Chapter Twenty Four

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The next couple days were slow and went without count, the Autobots found nothing to really do around the area they were in. Sir had a huge supply of energon down in those caves of his, which was a great deal of help, given they hadn't a clue where to find energon on the new planet.

It was a cool morning, extremely early, mist hanging in the air, clouds covering the still dark sky. None of the bots had left their private quarters yet, given it was so early, which meant neither had Optimus and Ratchet. In their shared quarters; Lightswipe had a nursery the very next room; and were snuggled in their berth, tight in one another's embrace, both awake and staring at the ceiling.

Ratchet was leaning his helm against his mate's chestplates, tracing his digit over them in some unknown pattern, as Optimus laid unmoving, an arm around the medic and keeping him close.

"Optimus..." Ratchet whispered quietly, his gaze drifting to look at the Prime, who looked down at him. "Sir didn't... hurt you very badly, did he?" There was concern in his soft voice, clearly readable to the Prime.

Optimus played the memory through his processor. The excruciating pain, the amount of vulnerability he had possessed, and the weakness it had left him with. "N-No. Of course not." He lied. "You needn't worry."

"Tsh, it's my job to worry." Ratchet retorted with a small smile. "And... it's good to know you weren't too badly tortured..."

The Prime nuzzled him gently, a smile coming to his lips. "My perfect mate... It's so easy to love you..."

Ratchet snuggled closer. "I am glad..." He tilted his helm up to give Optimus's lower jaw a couple nips and kisses affectionately, one servo sliding upward to rest on Optimus's cheek. The Prime smiled, leaning towards the touch. When Ratchet's nips turned into bites, Optimus decided to turn the tables, and abruptly rolled over so he hovered above Ratchet, immediately ending what the medic had been doing. Ratchet stared up at him in surprise, before chuckling and relaxing against the berth. "Well then, Prime Almighty," he rested his servos on Optimus's shoulders. "You prefer your victims pinned?"

Optimus rolled his optics before kissing him fiercely, his servos trailing down the medic's sides, as Ratchet returned the kiss passionately.

"And a victim you shall be." The Prime growled as he intensified the kiss, servos holding the medic's waist. Ratchet cupped his cheeks with his servos, affection heating in his spark.

"I love you..." He whispered when Optimus broke the kiss.

Optimus smiled. "And I-"

"WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" The sound of Lightswipe screeching cut him off.

Ratchet raised an optic ridge at his mate. "Oh look, your sparkling is crying. She's probably hungry, you should go feed her so her carrier doesn't have to."

The Prime rolled his optics and climbed off the berth. "Very funny Ratchet." He closed the door behind him as he left to check on their sparkling.

Ratchet sighed, stretching his arms above his helm, a content smile on his lips, as he sent an affectionate wave over the bond to his mate. The Prime re-entered the room, holding a squealing Lightswipe.

"Watchet!" She opened her arms out to him, mispronouncing the 'R' in the medic's name.

Optimus set the femling on the berth so she could crawl over to her carrier. She immediately climbed up and sat on his chestplating, and hugged his faceplate, squealing loudly.

"Hello, little one." Ratchet chuckled, as she started to poke at his face, exploring every detail.

A smile came to Optimus's lips as he sat down beside his mate, his amused gaze on their sparkling.

"Oppi!" She squealed, before crawling over to her sire and flopping into his lap, mewling happily. "Oppi! Oppi! Oppi!"

Optimus picked Lightswipe up and laid down before setting her on his abdominal area. She squealed and tackled him; and they wrestled a bit until she 'defeated' him, patting her tiny servos on his chestplates and giving a yell of victory. Ratchet watched with a smile on his lips, affection warming in his spark and falling across the bond. Optimus looked up at him lovingly, as Lightswipe climbed downward and started to play with his digits.

"She's quite the energetic one." Ratchet said softly, leaning so his faceplate hovered above his mate's.

"Mhm." The Prime reached up with the servo the sparkling wasn't playing with and cupped Ratchet's cheek, and soft look in his optics.

Ratchet leaned down and kissed him, every part of his spark yearning for his mate as their lips met passionately.

"Ahem..." A femme's voice cleared her throat.

Giving a small gasp of alarm, Ratchet shot up and inched away from the Prime, who just stared at Arcee with cheeks pink with embarrassment.

"You boys having fun?" She smirked, putting a servo on her hip.

"Haven't you heard of knocking?" Ratchet growled, picking up Lightswipe and cradling her, sending Arcee an agitated glare.

"What is it?" Sitting up and giving his mate a scolding look, Optimus asked.

Arcee pointed down the hall. "The Natives of this planet just found us, and they aren't too friendly."

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