Chapter Fifteen

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A clawed servo gripped his chin and forced him to look into the warlord's burning red gaze, which blazed with hate. Ratchet whimpered, as a cruel smile came to Megatronus's lips, blue optics wide with fear.

"You may have escaped the first time, but I will have my revenge," Megatronus hissed fiercely. "And you will never live to see your precious mate again."

Ratchet woke immediately, blue optics snapping open as he shook the image from his processor. The picture remained though, the tall warlord with his red optics and cold touch, threatening everything he knew, it was an image that would most likely stay with him for a long time, much to his dismay. He looked around, taking in his surroundings: they were on the ship departing for Earth, quite late at night. He must have nodded off.

Optimus was driving, Cliffjumper and Bulkhead were having a joyful conversation while Bumblebee eagerly listened, as did Arcee, with less enthusiasm. Finding little need to join them, Ratchet headed to the front, over to Optimus. The Prime was engrossed in his task, optics dull and focused, didn't notice his approach until Ratchet cleared his throat. Optimus's blue optics flicked up to him.


"How are you?" The medic asked softly, sitting in the co-pilot seat, which was apparently not taken.

The large mech sighed. "I am well," he looked back to where he was driving. "I am but concerned."

"Aren't we all." Ratchet shrugged weakly, a small smile coming to his lips. "At least we'll be away from the Decepticons..."

A doubtful frown crossed Optimus's lips. "We hope," he added grimly.

The both of them stayed silent for a minute or two, the Prime's words cutting deep into them both. What if the Decepticons followed? They'd be severely outnumbered, with nobody to contact. If traveling to Earth was only a suicide mission, then they were all scrapmetal.

"...Do you think... it'll be safe?" The medic asked quietly, breaking the silence, gaze on his mate.

Optimus had to think for a moment, as to what he meant, before deciding he was talking about the sparkling and flashing him a soft look. "I've informed you that I wouldn't let anything happen to you or our sparkling," he replied.

A smile formed on Ratchet's lips, and he shifted closer to his mate. "You somehow manage to rescue me every couple of days, and lead an army at the same time. How do you do it?"

"If I couldn't manage such tasks, what kind of Prime would I be?" Optimus answered matter-of-factly, catching his mate off guard.

"N... Well..." Ratchet stumbled over words to say, finding it rather difficult to come across one that would best reply. "I..."

Optimus reached an arm around his waist and pulled him closer, a gentle look on his face. "An incapable one." He answered his own question, before kissing Ratchet's cheek.

The medic leaned his helm on Optimus's shoulderplate, a smile on his lips. "You are far more than capable." He yawned.

"You should get some rest." Optimus said softly.

"I'm fine," Ratchet shook his helm, wanting to stay with his mate.

"That was an order, not a suggestion." His tone matching that of a commander's, Optimus told him with a loving look in his optics.

"...Can I stay with you?" The medic asked quietly.

Optimus smiled. "Of course... were you comfortable earlier?"

Recalling when he fell into recharge towards the back of the ship, Ratchet shrugged. "I just had a nightmare..." He sighed.

"I'm sorry," Optimus blinked sympathetically, pulling his mate closer. An affectionate look came to his optics. "I'll ensure it doesn't happen again..."

"How will you.." Ratchet trailed off, gasping in surprise as Optimus released the steering wheel and pulled him into his lap, and re-grabbing the wheel, this time with his mate in his lap, who was gazing up at him with a blush and surprised optics.

Ratchet snuggled into the warmth of his mate, resting his helm against Optimus's chestplates, relaxing in the haven of the Prime's arms.

He felt safe... for now.


"Is that why Megatron calls him his lapdog?"

"Arcee, be nice."

"Ratchet," Optimus's voice whispered in the medic's audio receptor softly. "Wake up, we've made it to Earth."

"Hnnm?" Ratchet opened his optics and gained consciousness at his mate's voice. A blush came to his cheeks when he realized he was still in Optimus's lap, and Cliffjumper and Arcee stood watching them. "Uh...," he climbed off of the Prime, cheeks pink with embarrassment. "G-Good morning."

"Morning." Cliffjumper smiled kindly.

Arcee nodded.

A servo rested on Ratchet's shoulder; Optimus had stood, and called Bumblebee and Bulkhead over.

::Good Morning!:: Bumblebee greeted happily.

Ratchet nodded and smiled to the two of them.

"Autobots, welcome to Earth. Now, it is a great concern of mine that we do not bring any harm to the natives of this planet, even if they do not accept us as kindly as we would want them to." Optimus began, his tone powerful and wise, as it should be. "This planet is in fact, rich with energon. If the Decepticons do come, the supply could become problematic. All that I ask of you, is that you stay loyal, so we, Team Prime, can win this war, and restore our home."

"You got it, Prime." Cliff grinned.

"All the way." Speaking up, Arcee said proudly.

Ratchet smiled, as the sparkling gave a small kick; his servo rested over his abdomen, affection slipping across the bond. Optimus, in response, rested his servos around Ratchet's waist, pulling him closer.

"Are we ready?" Bulkhead asked, as he hit  a button near the back. The large door opened, out to the outside world.

Ready as we'll ever be. Ratchet silently replied.

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