Chapter Thirty Four

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Ratchet woke in a dark, empty room, laying on cold flooring, shivering from an icy draft. What? Where am I? He sat up, looking around, biting his lip. It could be a room of the Nemesis, it was dark and gloomy enough... but in reality, he's in the Autobot base. Perhaps this was a dream.

"Ratchet," an angry sounding voice growled from behind him. "Welcome to your subconscious."

Ratchet spun around to face Megatron. "Megatron? What-"

That's all he was able to say before the warlord swiftly backhanded him, snarling in agitation. Ratchet yelped, as the impact sent him onto the ground, and left a stinging cut on his cheek. He stared up at Megatron in fear.

"You will refer to me as 'Lord Megatron', pest. It is your place." Megatron hissed, narrowing his red optics.

Ratchet whimpered. "H-How are you in my subconscious?" He asked, averting his optics in submission, hoping not to anger the warlord further.

"That data chip in your spark allows me to do so. But I don't expect you to know what the chip is, given we've erased your memory." Megatron growled, glaring down at him. "I wouldn't have to do this if you hadn't fragging set Prime free!"

"But... why are you doing this?" Ratchet flinched at his master's harsh tone. "I-I'm not one of the enemy..."

Megatron snarled and slammed his ped down onto the medic's chest, pinning him beneath his ped. Ratchet screamed in pain, squeezing his optics shut tightly, as the warlord pressed down hard, a dark look coming to his optics.

"S-Stop.." Ratchet gasped, as Megatron only smirked down at him. "P-Pleas-se..."

"Why don't you call for your precious mate to come save you?" Megatron sneered, pressing harder on the medic's chassis. "After all, we need him here, don't we?"

Ratchet cried out again, digging his digits into the cold ground he laid upon. "Please stop-p..." He begged, as Megatron unsheathed his blade, and lowered it so it hovered above Ratchet's helm, in between his optics. The medic whimpered.

"Scream for him," Megatron ordered, his smirk growing. "You know you want to."

Still gasping in pain and fear, Ratchet didn't respond or obey, only stared up at him, terrified. Megatron growled in response, and in one swift movement, flicked the tip of the blade across Ratchet's cheek, making sure to dig deep enough so energon began to drip from a thin blue line. The medic cried out, closing the optic closest to the wound.

"Scream for him." Megatron repeated threateningly. This time, Ratchet obeyed.

"OPTIMUS!" He screamed desperately, feeling the warlord press down on him even harder. Waves of distress, fear and pain drove across the bond rapidly from his side. "OPTIMUS!" He screamed again, as Megatron smirked and dig the tip of his blade into his chestplating. Ratchet never thought that he'd be calling to the Autobot leader for help so desperately, but he found that somehow, the Prime would protect them, would appear at any time from their bond and help him.

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