Chapter Twenty Five

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Ratchet followed Optimus down the hall of the ship, a squirming Lightswipe in his arms, and a worried look on his face as they neared the exit. Arcee had informed them that the natives had been rather aggressive, and even opened fire on them, luckily their weapons were inadvanced and seemingly harmless, when they began firing at Cliff and Bulkhead, the two bots merely looked at them before walking away.

When they reached the exit and made it outside, a small tank had pulled up, and tiiiiny little flesh beings were running around wearing camouflage and screaming orders at eachother.

"What obnoxious beings," Ratchet murmured to Optimus, staying close. The Prime gave a tiny nod, lips set in a frown.

"Prepare for fire!" One of them screamed at the top of it's lungs.

Upon hearing the command, Optimus stepped forward, and put his arms out. "Wait! Hold your fire!" When the annoying little fleshlings halted in their tracks and stared up at the Prime, he sent a quick glance at his mate before addressing the natives. "We mean no harm, and will inflict none. I am Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots, and I humbly ask you keep from harming any of my soldiers."

Cliffjumper walked over and stood beside Ratchet, arms crossed. "They are some weird looking abominations, aren't they?"

The medic nodded. "Completely entirely." Lightswipe squirmed in his arms, and began to mewl loudly.

"What reassurance do we have that you won't inflict harm on us?" A soldier questioned, a pistol pointed at Optimus (which wouldn't do much).

The Prime had to think for a second. "I do not possess any reassurance than my own word, I'm afraid. But," he slid an arm around Ratchet's waist and pulled him closer. "We currently have an infant, and we lack the proper facilities to properly tend to it. I ask that you provide a shelter at least long enough so that I can insure all of my soldiers, and my sparkling's, wellbeing."

The soldiers walked away and began to talk among themselves, every so often sending glances at the Autobots. Ratchet, after growing tired of holding his lively daughter, handed her off to Optimus, who smiled and held her close.

"Pathetic little abominations, aren't they?" Ratchet murmured to his mate, leaning on the Prime's shoulder, and giving Lightswipe his servo when she outstretched her own for him.

Optimus smiled, watching the humans argue, before shifting his gaze to the sparkling.

"O-Op-.. Mis." She squealed.

"Speak an actual language, little one." Raising an optic ridge, Ratchet muttered, as her tiny servos pulled his closer.

"Op-Mis! Op-Mis!" Kicking her little legs, she continued to squeal, her words beginning to become a bit clearer, and after she repeated it a few more times, her sire and carrier recognized it as her trying to pronounce 'Optimus.'

The Prime smiled and nuzzled Lightswipe. "Your almost there, Light." He said softly, watching her play with Ratchet's servo.

"Hey! Robot!" One of the soldiers called, earning their attention.

"Robot? Robot?!" Ratchet growled. "Have you no respect?!"

"Easy, Ratchet." His mate nudged him. "Don't be hostile."

"We've decided to give you shelter, but on one condition," the soldier began. "We get to do a little research."

"We're not your laboratory experiments!" Arcee snapped, clenching her servos into fists. "We're living beings, you inconsiderate pest!"

Optimus turned to look at her. "Arcee, stand down."

"You can't be serious." She argued. "You heard him, right?!"

"Arcee." Optimus repeated. She glared at him, but relaxed and stood respectfully. He turned his attention back to the humans. "So long as your 'research' isn't harmful, or doesn't have any affects on my Autobots."

"You got it." The soldier nodded.


"This is one of our former military bases," the soldier, Samuel, explained as the bots entered the hidden sanctuary inside a large cliff. "You'll be safe, and hidden, in here. We demand that you don't leave, for the safety of the civilians on this planet."

Optimus nodded, scanning the large room. "Understood." His mate scoffed.

"Is there a monitor around here?" Ratchet asked, crossing his arms, and gazing down at the humans with an agitated look. "Something I can screw around with until we have Cybertronian tech I could use?"

Samuel glared at him. "I do not care for your behavior, Robot."

"I have a name, Fleshling." The medic muttered, his own gaze turning to an angry glare. "I will respect you when you respect us, you incompetent, pathetic, annoying scrap. I have enough to worry about with a sparkling and a war going on, I don't need you to make it worse." Optimus put a servo on his shoulder and sent him a pleading look.

"Don't argue," he said softly. "Please?"

"Tighten the reins on your underling, Prime." Samuel spat. "He's damn defiant, won't last long."

"Excuse me?" Ratchet took a threatening step forward, slightly shaking the ground and causing Sam to fall over. "Little Glitch, why don't you go rot in the Pits, for all I care."

Optimus carefully set Lightswipe in Cliffjumper's arms before wrapping one arm around his angry mate, and using his other servo to take hold of that of his mate's.

"Ratchet please, please don't argue." He pleaded, squeezing the medic's servo in his own. "Please."

Ratchet scowled and tore away from the Prime, and headed down the hall, ignoring the fact that he had no idea where he was going. Anywhere but around those pathetic glitches was perfect. Something about them just ticked him off... they were ignorant, oblivious, unexperienced. Imperfect life forms, none the less.

He eventually turned into a room (surprisingly the door was big enough) and stood in the middle of it. The whole thing was a metal grey, and it was completely empty. Look where exploring got me, he inwardly muttered, crossing his arms and sighing.

A pair of arms wrapped around his waist from behind, and leaned on him slightly.

"Sweetspark..." Optimus whispered in his audio receptor,resting his cheek on his mate's shoulder plating.

"Why are we even on this planet!?" Ratchet growled, crossing his arms.

"It has untouched energon supplies, and we need that." The Prime straightened up a bit, and slowly moved around to stand in front of his mate. "Please, Ratchet, all I request is that you at least try to get along with the humans."

"Hn." Ratchet glared at him. "If you can manage to convince me, perhaps I will."

A smile came to Optimus's lips. He stepped towards Ratchet, causing the medic to take a couple steps back. Optimus pinned him against the wall and acquainted Ratchet's lips with his own in a fierce kiss, with much passion and hunger. The medic returned it immediately, cupping his mate's helm, relaxing his tense frame. Optimus left his lips and began to nibble viciously at his sensitive neck cabling, finding his sensitive spot immediately and grazing it sharply with his denta, drawing a loud gasp from the medic.

"Nn... Optimus b-be gentle," Ratchet whispered, pressing his back against the wall as his mate continued nibbling and biting roughly. "Ah... that... ACK! Optimus!"

Optimus purred and used his glossa to suck and bite at his mate's cables even rougher, his servos running back and forth over Ratchet's back. Ratchet gave a soft moan, his own servos wrapping around Optimus. "Optimus-"

The Prime returned his lips to those of his mate's, silencing him. After a good thirty seconds, Optimus pulled away, stroking Ratchet's cheek with a soft servo affectionately.

"Must I convince you further?" He said softly, his gaze gentle and kind.

Ratchet sighed. "I.... I'll try." A smile came to his lips. "But only because your so good at this."

This earned him a teasing look and a kiss on the cheek.

"Now, Sweetspark, they are expecting us in the main hangar."

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