Chapter 14: Broken Mosaic Hearts

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Denny's POV

"So that was extremely awkward."

"Can you just drop it okay!"

"Denny I didn't mean to-"

"Look it hurt enough breaking up with him so I would appreciate it if we don't bring his name up every 3 seconds!"

I looked at Hannah sympathetically. I could tell that she was obviously offened by what I had said. I knew she meant well, but I just didn't want to be reminded of him every day. I still loved him. A lot.

"Sorry I didn't mean that. It just hurts. I'll go places where I used to go with him and I'll remember all the memories we shared or I'll see him in town and it feels like a knife is being stabbed into my chest. And now I have to carry his child! I feel like my whole world is falling apart, and all I can do is stare blankly."

"I know. Everything will eventually be okay, trust me. But still, I'm sorry. On a lighter subject, how about we get out of here? Go to Melbourne or something for the weekend? Maybe we could go further, like Europe or America, if Melbourne isn't far enough for you."

"Don't you have work?"

"No, I've taken time off."

"When do we leave?"

Casey's POV

"Look who's back", Brax teased.

"Just leave me alone."

"Whatever princess."

All I wanted was to be alone. Why couldn't anyone understand that?

I made a beeline straight for my room. Luckily for me, that was the one place no one bothered me. That was the one place where I could lock the door, lie on the floor and shut the whole world out. And that's all I needed. At least for a little while anyway.

I felt my eyes constantly drifting towards my phone that lay motionless on my bed. Even though I was trying to move on from Denny, I couldn't. I kept expecting her name to pop up in my notifications. But it didn't. I kept expecting to be able to see her in the street and run up and hug her. But I couldn't. I lost the best thing that has ever happened to me. And I'm never going to get her back.

My heart felt like it had broken into a million little mosaic pieces, and she was the one missing piece I needed to glue it back together. I couldn't pull myself together to call her. She obviously doesn't want to talk to me. I bet she's already erased me from her contacts. She's probably already erased me from her memory.

Denny's POV

All I needed was an escape. I just wanted to get away. Forget about the constant dramas. Forget about how I was going to raise a child on my own. Forget about Casey. I just wanted to forget everything.

"Ready to go?"

"Absolutely", I told Hannah as we made our way to the car.

The ride to the airport wasn't long. We got there in no time, and soon enough we were on the next plane as far away from Summer Bay as possible. There was nothing in our way.

Casey's POV

"And the zombie arises!"

"Not funny Brax."

"Did someone get up on the wrong side of the bed?"

"Just shut up and leave me alone!"

"Casey, I was only joking."

"Now is not the time for your games Brax!"

"Look Casey I think we need to talk. This whole breakup with Denny has clearly messed you up-"


"Casey I know you're hurt but ignoring the situation is only going to make it worse. It's like starting a fire and never putting it out."

"When will this feeling ever going to go away?"

"That's the thing. It won't. Not for a long time anyway. She obviously meant a lot to you. But like I've always said, what's meant to be will be. It takes time. A lot of it. But you'll get there. I'm not going to tell you that everything is going to be okay. That's a lie. Everything will be okay, eventually. But it's this part that you have to push through. A lot of people give up around now. But if she really meant a lot to you-"

"She did-"

"Then she'll be worth the fight. It's an uphill battle, but you'll get there. If you want the rainbow, you're going to have to go through the rain."


"Have you seen Denny?", I asked Evie who had answered the door when I approached the farm house.

"Sorry, she left around half an hour ago."

"When will she be back?"

"Probably not for another few days. Maybe a week. Or a month", Evie explained.

"Wait hold up. What do you mean?"

"Didn't she tell you?"

"Tell me what?", I asked curiously.

"Denny's gone to New York."


{A/N: DUN DUN DUN! Sooooo Denny's gone to New York, and Casey is stuck in Summer Bay! (I know it's kinda like the London storyline last year on the show but I'm trying to steer away from that). IM SO CLOSE TO 700 READS IT'S UNREAL. THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT AS ALWAYS.}

Dream impossible dreams x


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