I Wish

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Denny's POV

We threw a memorial for Casey yesterday. The sky was gloomy, but that wasn't a surprise. I could barely look anyone in the eye for more than a second. Brax took it the worst. But then again, Casey was his brother after all.

I haven't talked to anyone since the memorial. I wish I could've seen his face for one last time, felt his hands, but no one's been able to find his body. I don't want to believe that it's over. That we're over. The police have stopped looking for his body. What good would that do anyway? He's dead. Everyone's tired of looking for him.

So am I.


{A/N}: This is just a fill in chapter.  Sorry for the super late update, I've been busy writing the next chapter which is coming in a few days! Who thinks Casey's really dead?}

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