Chapter 9: Gone

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Denny's POV

"Denny, Casey is missing."

"What do you mean, missing?"

"The police were the last to see him. He went to see Josh before he got locked up, and then he made a run for it. We'll let you know if we hear anything."

"Thanks for telling me Brax."

I sat for hours on my bedroom floor, trying to comprehend the fact that I may never be able to see Casey again. I didn't want to lose him. Casey is my world, and a world without Casey is a world I didn't want to live in.

Casey's POV

I kept running and running, as far away from the police station as I could. I needed to get away. I needed to escape. Escape my family. Escape this world. Escape my life.

I could feel the gravel seeping through the worn out soles of my shoes, and slowly my legs fell weak. There was no houses or shops in sight. I finally knew what it meant to be in the middle of nowhere.

As I fell to the ground beneath me, disturbing flashbacks echoed through my mind. I kept seeing the moment when my father took his last breath, and when Danny took his. At first, I felt bad for killing Danny. He was my dad after all. But when I found at that Johnny Barrett was my father, and Danny wasn't, all the guilt that had been burdening me suddenly disappeared.

My whole life I had thought I was a part of something. Part of a family. But a few months ago I realised that my whole life had been a pack of lies that had engulfed me like smoke.

I thought I would've moved on but now, life isn't even worth living.

Denny's POV

We've searched tirelessly for Casey for hours yet no one's seen or heard from him.

"I think that's enough searching for one night. We'll get a better look in the daylight," Mr. Stewart told me.

"I'm not giving up on him!"

"Denny I think Alf's right", Nate said.

"But what'll happen if he's out there too long? Isn't his skull fractured?"

"Yes, that's why we need to find him as soon as we can."

"Or what?"

"Or anything could happen. But you've been in a really bad accident too and looking for Casey is the last thing you need."


"I know."

"I'll take you home Denny", Hannah said.

"Hannah I don't want to lose him", I said as I choked through tears. "Not now. Not ever."

"It's okay. It's going to be okay.

"What if it isn't? What if something happens to him or he dies-"

"Denny, take a deep breath. It's going to be okay."

Casey's POV

As I rummaged through my bag I found a picture of me and Denny, the one that Ricky took of us on the beach.

I couldn't pull myself together to say goodbye to her.

I didn't even know how I was going to say goodbye to my brothers. But I knew that I had to do this. So I pulled out a piece of paper and started writing.

Dear Brax and Kyle,

I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to be going away for a while. I don't think I'll ever come back. Please don't worry about me, I'm not worth it. Thank you for caring for me over all these years. Kyle, you've turned out pretty okay, despite what you've done. Send my love to Ricky and Heath and Bianca. Tell Denny that I love her and that she deserves someone better than me.

I'm sorry.

Denny's POV

We spent days looking for Casey. And when everyone else stopped looking, I never gave up.

"Casey! CASEY!"

"Denny, I don't think their's much point in looking for him", Brax said.

"I have to find him!"

"Yeah but maybe he doesn't want to be found."

"What do you mean?"

"Read this", he said as he handed me a crumpled up piece of paper with Casey's messy handwriting staining the page.

"I can't believe he's really gone."

"Neither can I," Brax replied.

"Sorry, I'm being selfish. He's your brother. You're probably hurting a lot more than I am."

"He loved you Denny. He really did."

I tried to force a smile through the tears that were streaming down my face. Brax caught note and quickly pulled me into a tight hug.

"It'll be okay."

"But how am I supposed to raise a baby on my own?"


DUN DUN DUN! So, Casey's gone and Denny's pregnant!

Please keep reading as I have massive storylines coming up! This isn't even half of what's to come!

Sorry for the late update, I've been quite busy with school.
Hope you're all having a fantastic day x

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