Chapter 13: Dead Flowers

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Denny's POV

I glanced over at my phone that had been shaking vigorously all day.

"He's a tough fighter. Clearly he doesn't want to give up on you", Hannah said.

"I just feel like this is for the best. It was never really going to work anyway. I mean, we've already broken up once before. Maybe that was meant to serve as a lesson that we just aren't meant to be."

"You don't know that-"

"Yes I do!"

"You've been through so much together. I've never seen anyone make you happier than him."

"Well I haven't felt happy when I've been with him recently. He pretended to be dead! I was going to have to live my life without him! So I probably should start living without him now."


"So this is really it," Casey said as I collected the last of my things at his house.

"Yeah I guess so."

"You know I never wanted to hurt you."

"I know. But you did. And this wasn't the only time."

"I really loved you Denny. I still do."

"I really loved you too."

"And the day we got together was the best day of my life. I'll never get over you. I wish it didn't have to be this way."

"Me too. But unfortunately, that's how it has to be."

"Can't we try and get through this! I'll do anything to fix the mess I made."

"What's the point in watering dead flowers?"

Casey's POV

"He's been sitting in his room for days", Brax said.

"Do you think I should go check on him?", Ricky asked.

"No, it's okay. I'll do it."

The sound of my bedroom door opening awoke me from my suffocating thoughts.


"Listen Brax you don't need to check up on me-"

"No you listen Casey. I understand that you're hurting a lot right now but you need to realise that you brought this onto yourself. I know how much you loved Denny-"

"Still do-"

"But you need to start taking responsibility for your actions. "


"Casey if you and Denny are meant to be, then things will work out eventually."

"I just want her back Brax. You don't understand. She's unlike anyone I've ever been with before. And I know I've said that a lot about other people I've been with, but this time it's different. This time, I know it's real."

Denny's POV

"How are you feeling?", Hannah asked quietly as she entered my room.

"I don't know."

"Are you happy that you broke up?"

"Of course not!"

"Then why did you break up with him in the first place?"

"It's not that I don't love him, I do. It's just that I'm sick and tired of all the lies and the secrets and being hurt over and over again. The first time we broke up I built a wall and slowly I trusted him enough to break it down."

"But don't you see? When you and Casey got back together he treaded so carefully. He tried so hard to make sure that what happened in the past wasn't going to happen again. He never wanted to hurt you."

"I know. But he did."

"That doesn't mean that he doesn't love you. "

Maybe Hannah was right. 

"Look Denny, when you first broke up did you ever think that you would get back together?"

"No", I answered hesitantly. "But that still doesn't mean that things will be like that this time. Hannah, he pretended to be dead! I was going to have to raise our child on my own! 

"Now you have the chance to raise your child with Casey. You have the chance to have the perfect family that you always wanted. Are you just going to give that up?"

"Hannah it's not that simple. Imagine if you were in my shoes."

"No Denny, it is that simple. All you have to do is pick up the phone."

"And say what? Oh, I'm sorry for acting like a massive drama queen but can we get back together because I want that perfect family that I fantasized about in my teens? Just leave me alone."

Casey's POV

"How is he?", Ricky asked.

"Not good", Brax replied.

"Do you want me to talk to him?"

"Nah, I just think we should give him some space."

"I'm worried about him Brax. What if he does something to hurt himself?"

"All he needs is a little bit of time. He's clearly hurting a lot right now. Like I told him, if it's meant to be, it will be. Like me and you."

"We've been through a lot haven't we?"

"Guys, can you stop talking about me behind my back?"


"Just leave me alone. I'm going for a walk."

"When will you be back?", Ricky asked.

"What do you care?"

"Casey! You know we care about you. We just want you to be okay."

"I'll be fine."


I staggered slowly towards the Diner. It wasn't exactly where I wanted to go, but I knew it was the one place that Denny wouldn't be.

I ordered a flat white and sat alone. Marilyn offered to keep me company but I declined. I just wanted to be alone.

As my order came I tried to process what had happened today. My thoughts were interrupted by the voice of two women I knew very well.

"Hey Casey", Hannah said.

"Hey", I said, trying to avoid eye contact with Denny. Out of the corner of my eye I could tell that she was feeling extremely awkward and nervous too.

"I know this is weird", Hannah began.

"It's fine. I was just leaving", I said as I grabbed my coffee and headed straight out the door.

Denny's POV

"So that was awkward."

"It's a small town. I was bound to walk into him anyway."

"It must hurt a lot."

"Yeah it does. But I'll get there eventually."

"It doesn't have to be this way."

"What's the point in watering dead flowers?"


{A/N: So Denny and Casey have broken up! *cries forever* Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter (I felt mean writing it to be honest) but this only a hint at what's to come in the future! Please leave a comment down below, I love talking to the ones that do. Thank you for all your support and thank you for reading this book. It means the world.}

Dream impossible dreams x


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