Chapter 12: Falling Apart

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Casey's POV

Denny's pregnant. The love of my life is pregnant with my child. The very child that would've grown up without a father. I couldn't believe the words that just came out of Denny's mouth. And to think, she would've had to raise our child on her own.

I knew that there was no point in going after Denny. She needed space, a lot of it. So instead I slowly made my way to the one place where I knew I had to go.


I walked up the driveway slowly, bracing myself before I knocked on the door. This was it.

I gulped as I heard footsteps approaching towards me.

A few gasps came from inside the house. Brax stood before me in shock. It was going to be a long day.

Denny's POV

"Hey Denny-"

"Just leave me alone!", I screamed as I ran to my room.

"What's with her?", Evie asked.

"It's been a long day," Hannah explained.

I couldn't believe Casey could just go and fake his own death and then come back, expecting us to be fine. I couldn't believe that he was possible of hurting me in this way. I thought I knew him. I guess I didn't.

A soft knock on my door awoke me from my suffocating thoughts.

"Hey Denny. Do you mind if I come in?", Ricky asked.

"Yeah sure", I said.

"So today's been rough."


"Apparently Case is busy talking to Brax and Kyle at the house. He really wants to fix things Denny."

"He should've thought about that before he pretended to be dead!"

"I'm sorry. I'm just really angry at him", I replied after a brief moment of silence.

"It's okay. I understand. How are you holding up?"

"I'm okay."

"But you're not really are you?", Ricky asked. "It's okay to be upset. Scream, cry, hit a pillow, punch a wall. I know it's hard, but it's going to be okay."

"Will it? Will it really ever be okay? Because right now, I feel like my whole world is falling apart."

"Everything will be okay. I promise."

"I'm just so sick and tired of everything."

"There's a bright side to everything. It may not feel like it, but there is. There's always light at the end of the tunnel."

A tight hug from Ricky swallowed my pain. Maybe, just maybe, things might turn out alright.

Casey's POV

"So, this whole time you've been alive?", Kyle asked.


"Were you ever going to come back? Or were you just gonna keep us in the dark like you do with everything else?!"

"Kyle calm down," Brax warned.


"I never meant for this to happen Kyle-"


"I don't know. I was just so sick and tired of everything!"



That shut him up.

"For the past few months I've had to deal with the fact that my whole life has been a lie! It's so hard realising that everything you've once known and loved means absolutely nothing. Life isn't all sunshine and rainbows Kyle."

"Do you know how hard it was for me? Finding out that you, Brax and Heath were my brothers and then coming into a family where I didn't belong at all killed me."

"Kyle, that's not the same thing."

"ISN'T IT?!"

"Guys calm down. We all have some issues we need to work through", Brax said. "But Casey, why did you scare us like this in the first place?"

"It just felt like the best thing to do. It felt like the easy way out."

"The shortest road doesn't always lead you to the right destination. Remember that."

Denny's POV

"Do you think you should talk to him?", Ricky suggested.

"I don't know. I feel like I need more time."

"Maybe talking to him is all you need."





"For what it's worth, I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you and you know it."

"I thought you were dead! I had to try and comprehend how I was going to live my life without you, how I was going to raise our child on my own. Casey, you are my world. And a world without you is a world I don't want to live in."

"I know how hurt you must be. And you have to believe me when I say I never meant for this to happen. I would do anything to go back in time and change what I did. I want to fix things Denny. I really do."

"I know. But maybe we should take a little break for a while."

"So you're breaking up with me?"

"No! I just think that we should give each other some space, until we both figure out what we want."

"I want you! I need you. I love you."

"I love you too."


{A/N: So that was an interesting chapter! What do you think is going to happen between Casey and Denny?! Sorry for the late update, I promise the next one will be up in 4 days maximum. Thank you for reading as always.}

Dream impossible dreams x


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