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The iron doors of my cell opened as two shadow warriors entered. I groaned as the held me by the shoulder and roughly made me stand up, I glanced at my mother and saw the look of resignation on her eyes, she had accepted this fate,

Hers, not mine.

The took me through the passages till we got to the labour grounds, men and women alike, hauling stones to build the statue of Marxis, I clenched my Hands in anger, when I take back my throne, him and the statue are going to the bottom of the deepest sea in Aratia. Many people who knew me nodded and the whispers of "ikir" filled the air, I smiled, even though Marxis might be the ruler, this was one thing he could never have, the respect of the people, strange considering the fact that they loathed my father.

Finally I saw Marxis in front, dressed in what looked like a silly blue robe, his hair gleaming in the sun, he looked like a man who had finally overcome his last issues, except I noticed the look in his eyes, they were not that of a lord,

They were that of fear.

He saw me and his face change from that of thinking to arrogant.

They pushed me forward towards Marxis, I stared at him blankly, he had a little smile on his face,

"How do you enjoy our hospitality ikir" he said mockingly,

I stretched and straightened myself,

"Well, it is a bit uncomfortable, but it will do, at least till I get to kill you" I replied with a smile,

He frowned for a minute as he looked towards the fields were a dark cloud hung over a group of veratus that were dragging men in chains, I looked up to the sky, it was shinning bright,

How come?

Then it hit me with force, whatever happened between derora and herega, it had strained the link they had, and with Marxis being a weakling...

"The resistance are withdrawing from their territories, going underground, soon we will flush them out" he said looking at me,

Yeah, keep telling yourself that Hitler I thought,

I stared at him blankly again, I had to keep up the ruse, he walked closer to me,

"When that happens, I will hunt those friends of yours, and the girl" he said as my countenance changed,

He was pushing my buttons, he smiled and licked his lips,

"Let me just say I have great plans for her" he said as I lunged at him and got drawn back by the shadow warriors,

"If you lay one finger on her, I swear I will-"

"I told you ikir, I am already broken!" He shouted back at me,

Oh yeah?, wait till I tell you how your child fares!.

The veratus pushed the men to a kneeling position as their eyes were glued to me. I averted my gaze, I was ashamed of even looking into their eyes, their king in chains,

"Ikir" one said to my surprise as I turned,

A smile broke out on his face, the rest beamed at me, I was speechless, could they not see my chains?, the sign of a slave?. I pointed to my chains, he looked at it and smiled,

HEIR OF LIGHT Book1: The lost princeWhere stories live. Discover now