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jason stared at the goddess of the moon who just beat the crap out of him in less than a minute, unsurprising seeing as she's. She definitely looked intimidating, I shifted on the rock I sat,

"Is it true you fought derora?" She asked,

"If you mean a dark-haired lady with glowing red eyes and a very dark aura then yes" he replied,

She chuckled and stood up, her flowing blue attire floating in the breeze,

"What did the almighty illummino tell you?" She said with a note of frustration,

"That I'm supposed to free Aratia from herega and her disciple"

"Did he explain how this is all connected?" She pressed on,

"No, what's connected?" he replied,

"It's not my place to talk, perhaps when you meet that riffraff aether, he'll explain" she said,

She definitely had anger issues and what seems like a grudge towards aether, jason observed her as she moved closer,

"I only came to warn you, the elixtus' fell for a reason" she said,

"What reason?" he asked,

"At the early days of Aratia, after illummino chose the mortal but brave family of elixtu and gave them a pinch of godly essence, he made them rulers of Aratia" she started,

"And then the deity of chaos dradror opposed order, he wanted this world back in its original place, in chaos, illummino couldn't interfere, he had created order and had moved, it was dradrors' turn, dradror created the abyss"

"The pit" jason muttered as she nodded,

"He was determined to cause enough havoc for him to access aratia" she said,

"What do you mean access aratia"

"Aratia was under the influence of illummino and there was order, not chaos, for this reason he had no footholds, haven't you wondered why illummino hasn't appeared?" She said,

To think of it, she was saying the truth, illummino hadn't appeared since jason got into Aratia,

"How come you gods and goddesses can appear?" he asked,

He always assumed the deities where to be heard and not to be seen, at least if you were to go by the general beliefs back on earth, it seemed here the rules were inverse,

"We were spun into existence with Aratia, we represent every aspect of Aratia, I for instance am the personification of the moon, loathem as you've met is the embodiment of the soil and forests" she said,

"Illummino represents order generally and can't reside where there's no peace, he hangs in the celestial realms and I quote "watches with crossed fingers" at this she said,

"So how come dradror isn't wrecking havoc and herega is?" jason asked puzzled,

"I was getting to that!" She shouted,

Jason nodded and kept quiet, he noted to himself to add mood swings to her list,

"Now, as I was saying, he couldn't interfere and used the pit to create dark creatures, they in turn could enter Aratia and cause havoc, but they were not enough, soon it dawned on him that he would need a better way. Then he created the three arms of himself" she said,

"I don't get" jason said,

She sighed in boredom and looked at him, a scowl on her face,

"He divided himself into three parts and left his consciousness as the void out of them, the first was a lesser dradror, the second was the dark Phoenix and the third was herega" she said,

HEIR OF LIGHT Book1: The lost princeWhere stories live. Discover now