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The first ball of fire flew at him from an angry terra, he bent and jumped sideways to avoid it, it blew on the wall sending sparks about. Jason looked at her in shock, what was wrong with her?, daren moved to hold her, she stared at him in anger as he moved backwards,

"Sorry jace, on your own " daren said,

Jason gave him my best 'are you kidding me' glare, daren just sat on a table and watched, jason turned back to an angry terra, common sense told him he had better try calm her down,

"Look terra, I'm sorry for whatever I did" he said as she hurled another ball, jason ducked and rolled to safety,

"You don't even know what you did!" She shouted prepping another ball,

Wrong choice of words,

"Alright, I'm sorry for what I did today!" he replied,

Wait!, wrong choice again! jason mentally said to himself as she sent another volley,

Okay this was getting out of hand, a ball came flying as he hit it away with his blade,

"Finally, you can man up and face me coward!" She screamed,

"I just don't get you!" jason replied moving closer,

He could feel her anger and frustration, it was radiating seriously and was affecting him mentally,

"You don't get me?!, you're just dumb!" She said,

"Yeah thank for the inspiration muse" jason replied sarcastically,

"I always told you what to do!, you couldn't think for once!" She said,

"So why don't you say it for once?!, what is It?!" he shouted,

"I regret knowing you!, you're the cause of every problem I ever had, my parents, my life, everything!" She said,

Daren was speechless, jason was speechless, the whole night was quiet, he could feel something leave his body, like happiness floating away, he looked at his hand, the bond mark disappearing.

She seemed to realise what she said and gasped, chocking back sobs,

"Seems you got what you want, you're free" jason said,


"You're right, all I've been is trouble" he replied,

For years they had been shackled into protecting him, if he was to ascend some throne, he hadn't seen yet he had to go discover himself first, likewise for them when they were not saving his hide, he had to know if what he felt for terrena was love and not infatuation or appreciation.

Daren was up on his feet, jason smiled at him, he had to do what he wanted to do, illummino chose him to bear the burden of aratia, jason might had originally been from aratia but he knew deep down he did not belong in this world, his world was earth.

"You two are free to leave, I was meant to take this burden, not you two" he said,

"C'mon jason stop the blabbering!" Daren said,

"You two can go back to earth, after all that's where I'm going if I survive this quest" jason said nonchalantly,

They stared at him in shock, perhaps they couldn't believe he could say that, after all their sacrifices to bring him here, and he quietly swore he would do all his best to set the people here free, but after that?, well, he had no idea yet.

At once terras face became rigid,

The same lecture over again jason thought as he began to move towards the doors,

HEIR OF LIGHT Book1: The lost princeWhere stories live. Discover now