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A whole day! Marxis thought furiously,

He'd expected derora to drag the unconscious body of the prince through that door, but so far nothing.

He paced around the room anxiously, he had nothing to report to herega. Now he heard the prophecy that she'd serve illumino, he had to find a way around it.

Thunder rumbled in the distance, he turned in fear to the doors as they swung open forcefully, pain shot through him making him fall and twist in agony,

"How dare YOU?!!" Heregas voice screamed, the voice of the goddess vibrating his very being, teeth grit as he tried to withstand the force,

Frankly he would have had a better chance withstanding an hurricane,

With the force of chaos he was blasted right through a stone pillar, his reinforced body, the only thing to save him.

He clenched his hands in anger, is this what he had become?, he who took over the realm in a day, forced to serve this witch,

He found himself being flung to the wall, again, he coughed out blood, he couldn't prove himself to be weak.

Standing up with the last strength he had, he faced her squarely in the face,

"Do you know what you just did?!" She screamed,

"I've secured our position!" He replied, and got another round of pain,

"And when where you planning to tell me?" She said,

He frankly couldn't understand why she was agitated, he knew derora matched up to her, but being subject to heregas will of course, she locked derora up easily,

unless that wasn't true?,

"When she returns with the prince" he replied,

"And then what?, what do you hold against her?" She said,

The sky flashed with lightning; she really was angry.

"Just the promise of power" he lied,

She came closer, her dark grey eyes searching into his soul,

"You're lying, what do you have in store?" She said,

It was amazing how neigh omniscient the deities of aratia were, the one thing they could not mess with was the soul of a mortal. Of course they could prod and get impressions of it, but to know what contained individually?, quite laughable

He had to come up with something fast, or maybe he could tell her the truth a little,

"A battle to the death" he said,

She just stared at him to continue,

"An elixtu can kill a warrior of the abyss, you know that don't you?" He said,

She scoffed in an obvious tone while waiting for him to continue,

That's when it clicked, a smile appeared on her face, his heart relaxed a little,

"Killing two birds with one stone" she said, and at once her face became rock solid,

"Even though I have half a mind to turn you to dust, I will see if this plan of yours will work" she said turning away to leave,

She strode to the door and stopped,

"If this proves to be a waste of time, I will make you know why shadow warriors fight to leave the abyss" she said with a note of finality and disappeared with the clap of thunder.

HEIR OF LIGHT Book1: The lost princeWhere stories live. Discover now