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To Jason, the next few a second were a blur to him. All he knew was that he had to save his hide from whatever creature the shadows were, a quick glance at his left showed daren in wolf form, clawing at a fellow wolf, only darker and more ferocious. On his right was terra, skillfully wielding the blades and slashing at the shadow warrior, which left him with their leader.

He held on to the poker stick that was used to start the furnace at home, the leader was obviously irritated by the parring of his strokes with his blade, he moved to the kitchen area and dodged a blow that would've cleaved his head off,

the man grunted and moved forward when a loud whine was heard, the man turned, the shadow wolf turned to wisps of smoke as terra pushed it through the window, the leader screamed in rage and that gave Jason the edge that he needed as he swung the fry pan with its hot content on the bald headed man, he screamed in a mixture of pain and rage as his scalp fried, yikes!, hot oil! Jason thought as he moved back.

The man moved forward with his eyes gleaming at all he could see, Jason knew there was no way out of this, he was sitting duck,

Call on me son,

He looked around frantically, where had he heard the voice from he didn't know, he bent and side stepped the warrior and jumped over the couch,

Summon me now!

He heard it louder in his head, that was when he noticed the gem glowing. He took it out if his pocket as it vibrated in his hand, the veratu turned and hissed moving to the wall, the leader stared at him. All at once he understood the words on the gem, with a loud voice he said it loud and clear,

"FLAMORA FLOREA VALECTO ILLUMMINO SCYTHE!!" He shouted as bright light illuminated the room for a few seconds, then it was over.

The veratu had disintegrated to ashes and wisps of smoke, the shadow leader was on the ground, weak and dazed, burn marks all over his steaming and scorched skin. Jason materialised back, terra and daren stared in awe, their knees bent automatically as they had been taught to do all their lives,

"Ikir" they said in unison,

He looked stronger, his gaze deeper and stronger with a golden iris that swirled in his eyes, he held the twin blades of light, the weapons of aether the son of illummino and god of light.

The Shadow leader stood up, gathering his strength as he summoned the dark energies from the abyss, terra and daren moved to protect Jason when he turned to them stretching his hand with a blade in it,

"NO!, this is my fight!" He commanded stopping them in their tracks, they felt the power his voice commanded, terrena grinned and stepped back with daren who was dumbfounded.

Jason felt the energy cursing through his blood, he was no longer the pesky mortal, he had taken on the powers of his bloodline, he was one with the light, he was Jason Alecto elixtu, bloodline of the god illummino.

The shadow leader screamed in anger has he swirled in a gust of darkness and became a full demon, his real essence appearing. He was a scaly thing with claws for hands and snake trunks for each leg, his eyes were pure black and reflected the hatred he had for jason. Jason felt repulsed standing in the presence of this abomination, he twirled the blades, feeling them edge him on two destroy the evil.

The demon moved forward in a blur, hoping to catch jason off guard, a deadly mistake. Time slowed a little to jason as he stepped away slashing at the thick back of the demon and watching it scream in pain and rage, it turned and hissed, "Cursssee you!!!" It screamed, and jumped back on the offensive. Jason swerved around its grasp with ease and gave it a double slash on the leg, it fell and groaned in pain knowing it had lost the Battle, it stretched its hand at the woman on the floor and engulfed her in a blanket of smoke.

HEIR OF LIGHT Book1: The lost princeWhere stories live. Discover now