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The bath was going fine, till the explosion rocked the building bringing her world down.

Terras sight was dizzy, she struggled to stand, grabbing her clothes even though she walked dizzily, cries came from the streets below. She ran to the balcony and saw what they were running from, veratus.

Terra looked below, it wasn't a long way down and jumped, she landed with a thud and broke into the inn through the door. It was pure chaos, the veratus were two in number as they slaughtered people, an elf ran to a corner as a veratu raised its blade to kill. What came over her terra never knew, all she knew was that she had slammed the veratu to the wall and stabbed it with her conjured flame blade, why weren't they even burning in the sun?.

It squirmed as it burnt, terra turned to the elf, he had gone. She moved her attention to a girl that fought the other veratu, she was good, it had a hard time matching up to her, with every cut to the veratu she seemed to grow stronger, it was like she was absorbing its energy. Terra joined in and together they battled this creature of darkness, it was relenting, she slashed it legs as it howled in pain and stabbed her staff blade into the core of its essence, in a flash it was gone. A loud growl emanated from the destroyed stairs, an angry daren stared at the former position of the veratu, in a flash he was hugging her tight,

"I'm alright daren" terra said,

He nodded and looked at the girl, she turned to him,

"Terra, meet the last horak, zarae horak," he said,

"Zarae, meet terra rectir, the last of her blood" he said,

"A pleasure," she said,

"Yeah, we could talk, after we escape derora" terra said,

A shadow covered the sunlight, like darkness overcame the light, they ran out to see the biggest dark creature terra have ever witnessed,

"Aether help us" daren muttered,

She saw derora on the beast, at once they locked gazes, a sardonic smile on her face, she urged the beast towards them.

They cut through streets to avoid the beast, zarae knew the town well, they ended up in a field and ran, on their tail was an enraged beast,

"Separate, NOW!!" Daren shouted,

Terra went left, zarae went right and daren followed. Derora followed me,

"That's right bitch, follow" she thought,

Derora razed the field, terra saw a rock in front, an idea came to her, propeling the rock into the air as she jumped on it and landed on the beast, its body was skinny, like it was fleshless, but she didn't have time to analyse the beast, in her front was an angry derora,

Terra was about to face the demon herself, the scourge of herega, to say the truth, she never cared, she was also boiling with anger, it was derora that made her lose jason and she was going to pay for it.

"Where's the prince?!" derora demanded,

"You'll have to kill me first!" terrena screamed and attacked,

They clashed in a shower of Sparks, their blades singing the song of death, she moved back and stared at derora,

"I can feel your anger girl" derora said smiling,

Terra moved on the attack, she blocked it with ease, it was getting on terras nerves, terra added another element, lightning surrounded her in a manner of wings and she shot them in a rain of lightning feathers.

HEIR OF LIGHT Book1: The lost princeWhere stories live. Discover now