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Dedicated to everyone who still stuck by me through this adventure


The dry, stale air of a basement woke him up, jason groaned and cracked his rather rather stiff neck. He could only open one eye, the only sound he could hear were the dripping of water, he narrowed his eyes to see better in this dark dungeon.

Yes, jason was finally at the palace.

That much he knew.

The only source of light was the small square window that fed little rays into this place, jason assessed himself. He was downright filthy, his cloth had the smell of blood on it.

His hands were chained to the wall, jason sighed and closed his one good eye, he fought the urge to scream in pain and sadness, but this was for the good of the realm,

I, the sacrifice of Aratia,

With a heavy sigh rumbling in his chest jason laid back on the ground. He stared at the ceiling, it was black, he could see dried blood stains on the walls.

Jason shuddered at the thought of how those kept here were tortured. It would be a real challenge to meet Marxis, he just had the feeling that apart from him taking over the realm, he had another vendetta against his bloodline, who sends his best warrior on the raid for a teenager?.

Jason caught the rusty movement of a chain opposite his, my eyes narrowed to see better, wondering how messed up he was not to realize that someone was close to him,

"Hello?" he said,

No reply came back, after a while jason just shrugged it off with the thought of an illusion, either that or whoever it was just did not want to speak, either way it was fine with him, it wasn't like jason had any great topic to bring up at that particular moment.

"Hallucinations" he muttered to himself,

"I was hoping you would not notice" jason heard as he sat upright ignoring the blind pain at his back,

The voice was cracked and hoarse,

"Hello jason," the person said,

With his one good eye jason squinted into the darkness, a tiny light orb he willed from his finger as his already damaged body screamed in defiance at such an act obeyed and lit up a bit. He could now see messy hairs and legs, the person was a female,

"Who are you?" he replied,

The voice was quiet for another minute, then the chains began to move and jason saw a figure moving towards the little light,

She had brown hair, chocolate brown skin that looked dry and piercing blue eye, he sucked in his breath in shock,

"Hi" she said,

Anger boiled in me, anger, sadness and a whole other myriad of feelings that jason could not specifically place, guilt?. To be honest, his original plan for coming to this world was to find her, that and learn what little he could about his estranged heritage, for some reason it never did occur to jason that those two goals coincided, perhaps it was the adrenaline rush at the moment and the shock that he came from another reality where he was royalty and he had to fight for the throne of said world, either way jason was pissed both at himself and at her.

Whatever secrets she and been hiding jason was fully prepared to squeeze it out of her regardless of who she was to him,

"Aunt elise or is it?" he replied,

She looked away, jason just laid back on the wall in silence, contemplating his questions.

"How much do you know?" She asked,

HEIR OF LIGHT Book1: The lost princeWhere stories live. Discover now