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She stood in front of the cave, a look of satisfaction drawn all over her face. The prince and his cohorts were trapped inside the cave, it was all a matter of time till he came to face his fate.

The energy blast he did affected deroras ability to summon the abyss, the rest of the creatures she created were gone, a few remained, the ones who fought the light until the very end.

She looked at her hand as she tried to summon a black orb of energy, it only produced wisps of smoke and disappeared with the wind, she frowned, he also took something from her, she couldn't feel her full powers again, whatever magic he did must had affected her system.

Derora heard the sounds of footsteps moving towards her direction, at least she could feel the energy print of the creature. Detok stood by her side, his armour gleaming in the sun like that of an executioners which he was,

"Refrots priestess contacted me, herega called a meeting of the dark gods, she prepares for war" he said,

"And why would that be?, she controls Aratia doesn't she?" derora replied,

Why would she want to take the fight to the light gods of the celestial realms?, he looked up and waved his hand in the air slowly,

"Do you not feel it?" He said,

"Feel what?" she replied,

"The new aura in the air, try to summon the energy of the abyss and feel the air" he said,

Derora relaxed, from within she called upon the abyss, a slit on her hand as she began to chant, the air swirled as the abyss began to take form and disappeared.

Detok turned to her, his gaze confused,

"Why did you send it away?" He asked,

Derora shifted her stance, no one could know of her weakness,

" I felt the foreign energy" she lied,

"I know, it reeks of the light gods and that trash aether" he said,

Derora turned to him shocked,

"The light gods?" she said,

He looked at her again with uncertainty in his eyes,

"What did you feel?" He asked,

She needed a lie, a very good lie, one that would shift his attention from her,

"I felt herandra your mother" she said,

His gaze darkened before turning from her, he chuckled darkly,

"So it would seem dear mother has finally taken a side, father would be pleased to declare war" he said,

Derora had just caused what looked like a war between summer and winter, but she could care less, afterall she thrived in bloodshed.

From the trees came the feys in their numbers, from the riders of the soul steeds, a breed of horses from the unholy union of feys and a yedarot, a vile creature of the abyss, they fed on the essence of the riders but were vicious killing creatures.

The rest were on foot, marching in one accord, detok looked at them closely, detox had gathered the army of the winter feys, she smiled at him,

"Why bring them?" she asked,

Why would he bother to bring his army into her business?, he brought out yetri the life devouring blade as he cross examined it,

"Let it not be said that when the Prince of elixtu died, Marxis did not have the help of the winter feys, afterall, we are the original army of Aratia" he said,

HEIR OF LIGHT Book1: The lost princeWhere stories live. Discover now