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I was asleep in my cell,

Or so I tried,

I could not bring myself to sleep, it was like my essence was pulling at me to cleanse the whole palace of any filth that resided there. And it got worse when herega arrived, I could barely keep myself from remaining dormant, I wondered how I would cope when I was in the same room with her. Then came the explosions in the castle, from the rumors down here it seemed like herega and derora had a fall out.

  It seemed like the perfect opportunity was presenting itself, it was a matter of time before I got my chance. The doors to my cell opened as my mother was pushed inside, she got the job as the kitchen supervisor much to the staffs pleasure as I heard she was quite the snub as the queen. She sat back on the wall in a comfortable manner before staring at me, we were still not comfortable with each other.

"How was your meeting with Marxis?" She asked,

I contemplated jamming her with my whirlwind of questions, but that would just make her to shut down, I had to ask her slowly.

"Revealing" I replied,

She stared at me in a confused manner for a minute before her face became stone like,

"So you do know?" I thought,

"He told you didn't he?" She said,

"Told me what?" I asked feigning ignorance,

"Do not pretend Jason, you know" she replied,

"No, no I don't, all he said was that you ruined his life" I replied,

She looked away for a while, I was getting impatient,

"Well?" I said,

"I was a different person then Jason" she said,

"So I have heard, the rumors that I have heard down here, if you were not my mother I would have called you a sick psychotic lady" I replied,

She looked at me for a while, she had sleeping bags and her eyes were red, evidence of sleepless nights. I wondered if they were because of me, or the thoughts of the people she Locked down here to rot.

  "What do you know about Marxis?" She said,

"Apart from him swearing loyalty to herega for the kingdom and being a narcissistic bastard, nothing" I replied,

She kept quiet again, the sound of dripping water resonated around the room,

"Marxis was close to me and your father" she said,

"In what manner?" I asked,

"He was the general and best friend of your father kelin" she said,

"And once my lover"

That sent me turning straight at her, what did she just say?!,

"I'm sorry I didn't get that last part" I replied with anger brewing like a boiling kettle in my throat,

"He was once my lover" she said like a recorder,

I dragged my hand through my hair, how was this possible?, I gave her a look, not of anger, but of disappointment. She saw this look and quickly defended herself,

"It was before I met your father, he was a family friend and we both were together for a while" she responded,

I just closed my eyes and exhaled, now would not be the time to blow up in fury, I needed to know the problem,

HEIR OF LIGHT Book1: The lost princeDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora