Back To That Place He Ruined

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Trixie's point of view

I was at the docks. There was a boat leaving Paris, going to America. I was in the line to board it.

"Name?" I was asked.

"Patricia Giry." I replied, handing him my ticket.

The man led me to my cabin, and I lay down on the bed.

'You lied...' I heard a voice whisper.

"Who's there?" I called out.

'You lied to me...' I said again.

"Please, who is this?" I asked.

'You broke your promise to me...'

I gave up on figuring it out, and closed my eyes.


When I awoke, I was disoriented by the waves.

"Oh!" I cried out, Seeing nothing but water, in every direction.

I ventured out to the main docks, and conversed with some of the ladies there.

It was fine, and I stayed with the group for several hours, until a group of ugly, potbellied males came around.

"Y'all's a purty bunch!" A disgusting male drawled.

I turned and walked away from them, my cream travelling dress blowing out behind me, the matching bonnet letting a few colourful hairs blow free in the wind.

The men all split up, pursuing each of the ladies I had been with. When I noticed one following me, I sprinted to my cabin.

Of course, the man ran after me.

And naturally, I had lost my cabin key, and was now stuck with him.

"You're one of them Paris peaches? Or are ya one of them Coney Island showgirls?" The man asked.

"I do sincerely apologize, but I will not answer that." I said, calm and firm.

He reached out, and snatched my bonnet.

"Hey! Give that back!" I demanded, angrily.

"Naw, sugah. I leave them peaches alone, but ya look to me like 'dem sleazy showgirls. And imma gonna need some... Services, from ya." He chuckled, grabbing my wrists, and dragging me into a cabin, only a few doors down from my own.

"Let me go!" I screamed. "Help! Help! Oh, someone please help me!"

I saw a long haired blonde women dash down the hallway then, rushing towards me.

"Patricia! Are you alright?" The women gasped,matter freeing me from the man, who she proceeded to lock in the empty cabin.

Realization hit me, as I looked into the girl's face. Her nose, exactly like mine, her glittering blue eyes...

"Meg! Yes, yes, I'm quite alright. Why are you here?" I questioned my cousin.

"I work with the cruise company. I always leave empty cabins, one per hall, just for holding troublemakers like this one. Did he..."

"No! No, no, no, you intervened before he could do anything." I said, relief at seeing her coursing through me.

"So... Are you heading back to Coney Island?" Meg asked me.

"Yes... I quit my job at Masked." I sighed.

She was shocked. "No! Why? You made the company, why would you quit?!"

I shrugged. "I was having problems. For the past two years, yes, I've had a nice job, but Erik... He's still obsessing over his ghost. He writes her songs still." I said.

Meg pulled me into a hug. "I know that it's hard for you, with you loving him, and him not loving you back. But you can do this! You are Patricia-er-Trixie Giry! You are the most stubborn person that I know!" She exclaimed.

"But even I can't rival a ghost." I whispered.

She smiled sadly. "You don't need to. If being here is what you need, then do it. And if that's all you want from me, then take it. But, you can't run... Or swim, away from your problems, darling."

And with that, she unlocked my cabin door, gave me a replacement key, and walked away.

We docked the next morning, and an awaiting carriage brought me to my opera house suite.

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