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A/n- just so you know, these thrice daily updates aren't going to last. I'm just trying to get my book out there. Normal updating will be every day, with the furthest apart being three days. Vote, comment, follow 😉

Trixie's point of view🌹

I stood there, talking to Gustave.

I pretended that I was listening to him, when in reality, I was eavesdropping on Erik.

I could tell his voice was wavering, as if he was nervous.

The other voice however... It was airy. It came from everywhere and nowhere.

'And I touched you.'

"And i felt you."

"And I heard those ravishing refrains..."

'The music of you your heart...'

"The singing in your veins..."

'And I held you...'

"And I touched you."

'And embraced you.'

"And I felt you..."

"And with every breath and every sigh..."

'I felt no longer scared...'

"I felt no longer shy.. "

'At last our feeling bared...'

"Beneath a moonless sky."

I took a deep breath in.

The man I loved... He was singing with some... I don't even know.

I started crying.

Gustave noticed.

"Trixie... What's wrong? I thought you wanted the opera house to open?"

His confusion clued me in to what he had been talking about.

"Darling, of course I do! It just... Brings back memories..." I trailed off.

'I fear for Gustave.' Said the sugar sweet voice.

"Why? Angel, he seems perfectly fine..."

Her voice was urgent. 'He has no friends. He is haunted nightly by having seen Meg kill me. It terrified him. His scared that Meg will come back to kill you or him...'

I was shocked. How would the person know that? Even I didn't know that! Wait... A lover that they saw killed?

The vauge hint registered, and I started trying to figure out murders if recent time.

"If only you were still here. If only this wasn't a beautiful dream..." He murmured

"Erik!" I called out.

I ran into the living room, and plopped down on the couch.

"Why are you here, Trixie?" He groaned.

My green eyes lit up with excitement.

"Erik. We've been hired by the opera populaire! We are to help them choose and execute an opera!"

"Trixie... I don't get along with Firmin and Andre. I must decline. Get another effect person." He said, bluntly.

"Hmmm.... Fine. But I get to ask you something. Why do you wear a mask?"

He rolled my eyes. "For the dramatic look."

I Didn't believe him one bit. But knowing that I wasn't going to get more than that, i skipped out.

''Erik, this. Erik, that. Geeze Trixie! Get a life!"

I heard him sneer, as soon as I left the room.

My heart broke. I loved him, and now how he treated me?

"I gave you your courage... Helped your dream take flight! And now, how you've repayed me... Denied me, and betrayed me..."

I sang, my voice betraying my attempts to keep it calm.

"She was bound to love you... Now I've lost everything... Who is she?" I whispered the last lyrics.

'Cheer up, Angel.' The nauseating voice said.

"Darling... That wasn't just a dream?"

'Never.' It cooed. I felt like vomiting

"If only i could see you..." I heard him whisper mournfully.

"Christine I love you..." He said, a few moments later.

"You will curse the day you did not do, anything your lover asked of you!" I sang/screamed.

I ran out of the house, not noticing Gustave following me.

"Trixie!" He yelled.

I just ran faster. I saw a carriage loitering at the corner, and hopped in.

"Vere to?" Asked a voice with a heavy Russian accent asked me.

"The opera populaire, Monsieur." I said.

We pulled out.

I payed the driver, and rushed into the opera House.

I gazed around the front foyer. The was a beautiful marble staircase, beautiful tiling, and nice gold sculptures.

"Andre? Firmin!" I called out.

Two figures descended from the stairs, and settled in front of me.

"Madam Trixie?" Andre asked.

I nodded.

"Welcome to the opera populaire! Rebuilt from the fire, yet still in all of its glory!" Firmin said, happily.

"Monsieurs, what is the job criteria?" I asked, sweetly.

They led me to the stage.

"We had a phantom of the opera. He would perform stunts, and seem to disappear. We want you to mimic these stunts."

I looked at the stage.

"Of course, Monsieurs. I will get a partner from my organization, and return tomorrow."

With that, I turned to exit the opera House.

I was almost at the door, when I turned around.

Firmin and Andre were gone.

I saw a bit of light shining out of a crack in the wall.

Naturally, I went to investigate.

Cliffhanger! Well yah. If you like my story so far, vote, comment, it really makes me feel like I should write some more. Thanks my Angels! -Char

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