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A/N- Im sorry for the lack of updates! Ive been super busy with school, and im currently on vacation. I'll try to update more regularly when im back! Thanks guys!

Eriks point of view🌹

It wasn't possible. It couldnt be... however, her hurting was hurting me. 

"Trixie, is there anything that i could do for you?" I asked, cautiously.

 She had said that she... loved me. Gustave adored her, but now... he was afraid of her. 

And even more... her passing out, after having visions of me and my darling, Christine? 

Erik... She whispered. she sounded heart broken.

I need you to move on. And if that's with Trixie, then so be it. 

"Christine... I only just got you back. How can you expect me to be able to just leave you behind? And what of Gustave?" I spoke aloud, but very quietly.

Erik... you will be fine. I should be in Heaven, With my mother and father. I stayed here. because of how depressed you were. If you have her, it would all be fine. Oh, and so you know. Meg is still alive, but in such a bad mental condition. She hates herself... Forgive her, I beg you... If you can... She sang the last bit.

I stared at the floor. "But if I cant..." I whispered.

Please. For me... just move on. I promise that it will all be fine.

I inhaled sharply, as i felt an embrace, then exhaled as it faded away. Christine was gone.

"Trixie..." I said, trailing off. 

She turned away from me, as if she was embarrassed. 

"Trixie." I tried again, stronger.

"What, Erik? Sick of your ghost already?" she spat out, like venom.

"Patricia Giry. I dont even know why you're so upset with me. Yes, I was the opera ghost. Yes, I killed people. Yes, your cousin killed my lover. But i've never done anything to you." 

She paled. "H-how did you kn-now my n-name?" she stammered.

I gave her a sad smile. "Antoinette never talked about a Trixie, but always talked about her precious Patricia. I figured that you had cut and dyed your hair after she had last seen you, for her Patricia had long, brown hair. Not that long a guess, was it." 

"I apoligize, Erik. I understand that you always loved Christine Daae. I know that a poor Giry like me could never replace her. I knew that I was dreaming too far, and im sorry." Trixie said, sadly.

I crossed the lair over to her, and grasped her wrist, pulling her towards me. she spun around, and crashed into my chest, sending a rush of heat through me. 

I tipped her face up towards mine, and felt my breath catch when i saw her blush.

"Trixie. You were always there for me. These past two years... have been absolute torture for me. You've helped me get through them. I never knew how to describe what I felt for you, until now."

I paused, trying to figure out how to word my next sentances. Figuring it out, I took a deep breath and started again.

"Trixie, I think that I'm in love with you."

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