The First Act... Of Departure

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Erik's point of view

Gustave, Trixie, and I rode a carriage back to my house.

"So... Father, are you... with Trixie now?" Asked a curious Gustave.

I looked to her and smiled. She grabbed my hand.

"Yes, Gus. We are, and ever shall be..." Trixie started.

"Love without end..." I continued. We both stared at Gustave.

"If you expect me to say 'Amen' or something, you're sadly mistaken, Monsiour and Madame Phantome." He scoffed.

"That does have a nice ring to it..." I mused.

I got a slap. "Watch the mask!" I barked out.

That got a giggle out of both of them.

When we arrived home, Patricia and I started planning.

"Voices and phantom organ notes are okay, but we need something stronger."

"Erik... we are NOT burning the Opera Populaire down again. Andre and Firmin would skin us alive!" She hissed.

I smiled. "I was thinking more of, like, appearances. Showing up amidst the ballet rats, perhaps. Or maybe just in my box."

"What, so you can taunt the new Prima Donna? I should think not!" She scolded me.

I shrugged.

"You have a marvelous voice, Patricia. You should audition, to kick her out. Also, inside help executing stunts. " I reasoned.

"Hmmm..." She mused. I could tell that she liked the idea.

"I suppose that I could try, I'm no where as good as your Ghost though." She said.

Her wording sent a wave of pain through me. She wasn't insensitive, she was just trying to make an honest comparison.

"It's fine, just try." I said.

She agreed to, and left.

I crumpled to the ground, crying.

Trixie's point of view

I pretended to leave, but in all honesty, i was going to talk to Gustave.

As soon as i left the room, i heard not-so-silent sobs emitting from the room.

Mayhaps he was upset that I was replacing his ghost.

"Gus!" I called out.

He came tearing down the hall, and dragged me into the music room.

"T-t! I have a song i want you to sing!" He said, excitedly.

'Till I Hear You Sing' was the name of the song.

"Gustave! This is from his personal compositions!" I scolded, but then looked at the lyrics.

The day starts
The day ends
Time crawls by

Night steals in pacing the floor
The moments creep
Yet I can't bear to sleep
'Til I hear you sing

My breath caught. I know that this song wasn't written about me. He only just learned that I could sing.

And weeks pass
And months pass
Seasons fly

Still you don't walk through my door
And in a haze
I count the silent days
'Til I hear you sing once more

More obvious still. I'm always here. And he always hoped for someone else.

And sometimes at night time
I dream that you are there
But wake holding nothing
But the empty air

He conceived a child with his Ghost, 'twas Gustave... Wait...

And years come
And years go
Time runs dry

Still I ache down to the core
My broken soul
Can't be alive and whole
'Til I hear you sing once more

I could barely see the notation now, my tears were blinding me.

And music, your music
It teases at my ear
I turn and it fades away
And you're not here

Fades away... like a ghost...

Let hopes pass
Let dreams pass
Let them die

Without you, what are they for?
I'll always feel
No more than halfway real
'Til I hear you sing once more!

I cried out. I thought... I thought that he cared...

I looked up at Gustave.

"Isn't it beautiful?" He asked.

"Alas, too beautiful. But not wrote for anyone I know... Gustave, I must go back home."

"I will see you tomorrow?" He asked.

I smiled through my pain. "No, Darling. I'm returning to America. I am so sorry... Tell your father to continue the contract though, and keep Masked going."

It hit him that I was honestly leaving.


"I'm so sorry..." I whispered, before removing the tan shawl that matched my dress, draping it on the music stand, and walking out of the door.

I vowed to never return.

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