The Final Chapter.

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Zayns POV

"GET UP!!!" I spat, kicking Eleanor in her side, causing her to wake up, crying out in pain. Melody, Ellysia, Carissa, Liam, Niall, Louis, Harry, and Baron were all here to watch as I tortured her. We were back in New York, in Barons underground secret bunker a few miles into a deserted field. "YOU WANNA TORTURE AND RAPE MY GIRLFRIEND, FORCE HER TO FUCK MY BEST FRIEND, KILL HER BEST FRIEND, TORTURE AND RAPE HARRY, AND YOU EXPECT ME TO JUST LET IT GO?!" I screamed and punched her in the face HARD, sending blood and teeth spewing out of her mouth. Blood splattered on my face and clothes as I continuously beat her.

"Zayn I don't think you should-" "SHUT UP MELODY I GOT THIS!" I yelled. I grabbed a gun off of the table and pointed it at her head. "Your time is up...enjoy your stay in hell..." I said, and pulled the trigger, splattering her brains all over the floor.

2 months later.

Melodys POV

"Baby?" I called, while carrying some boxes into our new room. All of us-Harry, Niall, Liam, Louis, Carissa, and Ellysia- moved to the UK, to get away from New York and the bad memories. I resumed my modeling job, and Lou and Fabio moved to the UK office where I was, because they were like family. The whole, "X" scenario was over finally. My career took off, and I became a multi millionaire, and Zayn and the boys became famous quickly. Harry came up with the name One Direction, and I doubled-checked the calender one last time. I marked an X on the date I was supposed to start my period, which was 2 months ago. I hadn't even noticed it until now.

Zayn came from around the corner lugging around the washer machine on the gurney. "Yeah babe?" he said panting, walking towards me. "Uhm, can you go to the store me a pregnancy test?" I squeaked. He stood there for a moment and his face twisted. "F-For what? Your not pregnant.." he said rumbling through things acting like he was busy. "I'm not kidding Zayn...I haven't been on my period in 2 months..." I whispered. Zayn clenched his fists and grabbed his keys off of the counter, leaving the house.

I sat on one of the boxes and began to cry. Even if I really was pregnant, Zayn didn't seem too excited at all. I noticed his opened pack of blacks, with the lighter next to them on the counter. He had been smoking again? He was supposed to stop a while ago. He came back a few minutes later and set the box of pregnancy tests carefully on my lap and silently walked into our room, closing the door behind him. I stifled a cry, and ran into the bathroom, closing the door and locking it.

I ripped open the box in frustration, causing all the tests to scatter loudly all over the floor. I heard Zayn come out of the room and softly knock wiggle the doorknob, and then knock saying, "Is everything ok in there?". I ignored him and pulled my pants down, peeing on the stick waiting for a response. I dropped to the floor and cupped my hands over my mouth and dropped to the floor sobbing loudly. Zayn pounded on the door ordering me to open it.

Pregnant. The test read.

I pulled my pants up and leaned against the door, and then I unlocked the door forcefully opening it and tried to run past Zayn with the test in my hand, but he quickly grabbed me and held me close in his arms as I sobbed loudly. I looked at him from the corner of my eye as he fell silently, his eyes gouged into the results on the test. "W-We're gonna be a family..." Zayn whispered happily, and began to cry as well. I pulled away from him, looking into his eyes. "But, I thought that you weren't happy about it.." I whispered.

"Of course I'm happy about it. Yeah I was a little shocked at first, but, I'm gonna have a CHILD. I'm living the dream life. Being a superstar and having a kid and....a wife" he said, holding me in his arms. We talked about it for a while longer, and invited everyone over to share the news. It was Louis, Ellysia, Cher Lloyd, Justin, Niall, Liam, Harry, Baron, Carissa, Olly Murs, Andy Samuels, and Ed Sheeran. "Guys, I am proud to say..." Zayn started off and gripped my hand slightly as we stood in front of everyone.

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