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I can't believe that she would do something like this. Does Louis know? What if he's in on this? We arrived at a strange house, and I tensed up, looking at Ellysia. "Where are we?" I asked, looking around everywhere else. "Our cousins house....He's sort a mob" she replied, hopping out of the car. I exited the car as well, Carissa following along. She tried to grab my hand but I quickly snatched it away, rubbing my palms against my jeans.

I adjusted my snapback, when suddenly I recieved a message. It was a picture of Melody standing on a stool, bloodied up, a rope tied around her neck.

"Tick Tick Zayn, you still owe me 100,000...-X ;)"

I stiffened, trying not to cry and showed the picture to Ellysia. She cupped her hands to her mouth and shrieked, breaking out in tears again. "Lets go..." Carissa mumbled, as Ellysia pounded on the door, and her cousin opened up with an automatic in his hand. "Whoa!" I shouted, ducking behind El. "Oh, its just you El" the man said. She threw herself into his arms sobbing, and I explained the situation.

He tensed up and gritted his teeth. He suddenly went into his hall closet and pulled out a shotgun, cocking it roughly. "Lets go get these assholes who took my Melon" he said roughly, leaving the house.

"You want me? Come and get me, 590 Heathrow Avenue, Bradford. -X"

The message read as it popped up. "Thats in Bradford...right down the street from my parents!" I cried. "We've gotta go now!". We stopped by everyones house, packing necessary belongings, and were on our way to the airport. I hesitated to ask, but their cousin had a huge duffel bag and an army uniform on. His name was Baron. "May I ask whats in the bag?" I said. "A few clothing items, toiletries, guns. And DON'T worry. I'm licensed. Since I served 10 years in the army I can take my guns where ever I want, plus I got some hookups with the airport security" he replied. I sighed in relief, and kicked back, plugging my headphones in, plugging my phone into the car charger, and listened to the sweet sounds of Melodys voice as she sung.

Tears filled my eyes to the brim, but I wiped them before they fell. We finally arrived at the airport, and we were all rushed out of the car by Baron. We got our tickets and arrived at security. Now I know wjat he meant by he had the "hook-up". All the security guards were females. I chuckled and nudged Baron, and he winked laughing whole-heartily. Out flight to Bradford was just getting ready to leave when we arrived at the gate, but we just snuck past the attendant at the gate. "We're almost there Melody.." I whispered to myself.

The flight was 3 hours and 15 minutes, so I guess that was ok. We got a rental and we were on our way to 590 Heathrow Avenue. It wasn't a very long drive, but we arrived at this old dirty abandoned house. The 2 X trucks were in the front, and there was a note attached to the car.

Melodys POV

I was beaten up, raped, and sick. I couldn't stop throwing up, and I could tell my stab wound on my waist was getting infected, because it was oozing sickly green pus. My breathing slowed, and Eleanor came in, a devious smile on her face. "Ready for another around?" She whispered in my ear, her naked body slicked with oil, stroking the dildo strapped to her waist. I spit whatever saliva I had left in her face, and she growled, slapping me violently and jammed her dildo into my vagina, thrusting violently screaming, "OH YEAHH!". We were thankfully interrupted by one of the X Team members. He brought in a tied up Louis, and Louis face turned from anger into shock and horror.

"Eleanor?.." he said.

"Yes Yes Yes, enough with the surprises. I'm the one whos been hurting your friends, and oh, I killed the baby" she said nonchalantly. "YOU BIIITCH!!" Louis cried, sobbing loudly. He struggled trying to free himself from the guards arms, and another came with a syringe and shot the fluid into Louis' neck, and he fell limp. "The 'rescue team' is here" One of the guards whispered. I gasped and screamed as loud as I could, and they injected the strange fluid into me as well, and I passed out.

Zayns POV

We walked up to the front porch cautiously, and I stuffed a pistol under my belt and pulled my shirt down. "Go Carissa..." I whispered, and she kicked the door down. She was immediately grabbed by two guys, and Baron quickly pulled out his silencer, putting the guards out of their misery. I watched and smiled as they were put down, thirsty for revenge. We each got a gun and proceeded in cautiously, looking around every inch of the main room.

2 metal pipes came out of the walls, and shot these needles at us. I got hit in the leg, and next thing you know I was out cold.

30 minutes Later

When I came to, me, Ellysia, Carissa, and Baron were all tied up. Melody looked horrible. She had a deep pink scar that looked like it was healing from an infection, and she was naked, sitting up on a table looking completely lost. Louis was beside her naked as well, and I pushed the disturbing thoughts from my mind. "Ah! You've woken! Now you get to watch your best friend fuck your girlfriend!" Eleanor cooed. I tried to close my eyes, but for some reason they wouldn't close. Eleanor held a gun to Louis' head and ordered him to get ontop of Melody. I watched as they both cried when he slowly entered her and she moaned out. "I am SO SORRY Zayn......" Louis cried, as he continuously fucked my girlfriend right before my own eyes. "LOOK LIKE YOUR ENJOYING IT OR ILL KILL YOU!!" Eleanor shouted. Louis went faster and deeper into her, throwing his head back and moaning in pleasure, as well as Melody arching her back moaning loudly.

I got angrier and angrier each passing minute, my throat growling viciously. I looked to my left, and I noticed Baron with a pocket knife cutting off his ropes secretly. We looked at each other and both nodded, and Baron suddenly went flying and charged, knocking down Eleanor. He knocked her out cold, and grabbed the gun, shooting the other two guards. He tossed me the pocket knife and I cut myself out of the ropes, as well as Ellysia and Carissa.

I grabbed the disraught Melody, and Baron snatched up Louis and Eleanor, and we darted out. I made sure to put clothes on Melody and Louis. We eventually found the exit, and when we got to the car, 3 X vans came charging at us. "GO GO GO!" I shouted tossing Melody, Eleanor and Louis into the car. We sped off down the street, and soon we were in a high speed chase. We almost crashed about 3 times, and we pulled a manuever by grabbing Louis, Eleanor, and Melody and jumped out of the car while it was still speeding, and jumped into a taxi. We forced the taxi driver to take us to the airport, watching as the other car blew up. We watched as the X vans stopped and looked, as we arrived at the airport. We ran right through security and they just let us pass through. We took the next flight back to New York, and made it back. Then I'll....


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