The Truth

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After the epidemic, I wasn't allowed to see Zayn in the hospital for 5 whole hours. When I was, however, he sat me down and told me everything. It was this guy named Danny that he used to be really good friends with since they were in the fifth grade. Danny, however, got involved in the dirty money business, and was getting money by selling prostitutes and drugs of every kind, including ecstacy. He kept the money hidden in a secret bank account, and Zayn was the only ome that knew the key words to get in. Zayn's family was struggling from his fathers gambling debts, so Zayn began to sap money out of the account every once in a while. Danny eventually found out about this, and held a death threat over Zayn's head. Zayn's been on the run basically ever since.

"Why didn't you tell me about any of this Zayn?!" I scolded, holding his hand in the hospital bed.

"I didn't want you getting involved, but it seems as though he's found me, and he wants revenge, and he has have to get him back!!" Zayn panicked, sitting up in the bed, fear in his eyes as he gripped my arms like a mad man.

"I can't do it Zayn! As much as I like you, I can't get involved in this!" I panicked, and ran out of the room before he could say anymore. I got back to my apartment as fast as I could, only to find a letter marked X on my door. I ripped it off of the door angrily, opening it up.

'Tick Tock on the clock, Harry only has 2 weeks left, as well as Ariana ;) -X'.

On the back, there was a picture of Harry beaten up very badly, tied up, and a picture of Ariana (Not Ariana Grande, her best friend Ariana Boudreaux) being brutally raped, looking straight into the camera with tears and pain in her eyes. I cringed and grimaced looking at the pictures, and broke out in tears. Zayn owed this X guy 250,000 dollars, where was I going to get that money from? The only rich people I knew were my parents. I threw the evidence into my fireplace, and started a fire, watching as the pictures burned. The next day Zayn was checked out of the hospital, and he came straight to my apartment. Without a word, he shoved another X letter into my hands, and all it was, was a picture of Harry with a knife at his throat, tears streaming down is face. Zayn also handed me a tape recorder, and I hesistantly pressed play, only to hear the sounds of Harry pleading and begging, saying he didn't want to die, and a deep voice said,

"November 21st, 12:00am sharp, or the boy goes". That was exactly 2 weeks from now.

"What are we going to do?...." I said, sucking in my breath and pulling two bottles of Vodka from out of my cabinents, pouring a huge glass, literally gulping it down. My throat was unbearably on fire, but I didn't care. I just wanted to save Harry and my best friend, and drown my sorrows.

"We have to fly to Bradford, talk to my dad, he'll know what to do" Zayn murmured as he paced around the room, fingers through his hair, deep in thought.

"What does your dad even know? How could he help us? I had to take 2 weeks off from work, lying saying that I had pneumonia, to help YOU OUT!" I yelled.

"Look IF YOUR NOT GONNA HELP SAVE HARRY THEN FUCK OFF BECAUSE I COULDNT REALLY GIVE A DAMN ABOUT YOUR LITTLE FRIEND!!" He snapped, throwing his wallet across the room. I stood there in shock, not being able to believe that he just said that.

"The feelings mutual about Harry..." I whispered, and ran to my room, locking the door. Zayn pounded on the door, rattling the handle.

"Look babe, I'm sorry I said that, just please open the door"

"No! you obviously only care about saving Harry! You clearly just said it!"

"Please just open the door, i'm under a lot of stress right now..." he whispered. I cracked open the door, and sat on the bed. He pushed it open, closing it behind him. He sat next to me, and scooted closer, as I moved away.

"I'm sorry..." he pleaded, softly cupping my chin inbetween his thumb and index finger, leaning in for a kiss as I looked away, letting his lips coincide with my cheek.

"We are gonna save them ok? Its gonna take some I need a stress reliever.."he said leaning in again. I stood up disgusted and shook my head.

"Harry and my friend are potentially going to DIE in less than 14 days and all you can think about is sex?!"

"Calm down, I wasn't even taking the conversation that far..." he said and looked away, fumbling with his fingers. I sighed, sitting next to him, and pulled him into a long kiss.

"I could use a stress reliever right about now..." I exhaled, kissing him again. It began to get more intense, as he laid me down. Next thing you know, we were naked, under the covers, and going strong.

"Zayn.....Z-Zayn...." I moaned as he thrusted moderately slowly inside of me, going deep every time. He hovered over me, looking into my eyes the entire time. It was quite embarrasing, how he was just staring into my eyes, as we were making love, not having sex, but making love. He bit and sucked on my neck, thrusting his hips a little faster this time with each stroke, grunting and groaning in my ear. I pressed my fingertips into his back, wrapping my legs fully around him as he hit my G spot, and we both came at the same time. He collapsed next to me, panting briefly.

"What are we gonna do tomorrow?" I asked, laying my head on his chest, listening to his heart beat.

"We are gonna take up as much time as we can. Tomorrow, we'll visit Louis, then Monday, Liam, Tuesday, Niall, and then on Wednesday, we fly to Bradford to meet my dad", he replied and kiss my forehead softly.

"Don't worry, i'm going to take care of this".

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