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"I want you, kiss me...touch me right there, yeah, just like that Zayn,....Zayn......ZAYN!"BEEEEEEEP! The alarm sounded, as I rolled out of bed. "That dream I just had..." I mumbled to myself, touching my chest and blushing a deep red. I can't seem to get him off of my mind...that Zayn guy. It was apparently time for work. I threw on a very dark and colorful striped sweater, some black stockings, a white tanktop with a gold chain necklace, some jean shorts, my combat boots, and brushed my hair down, heading out the door.I felt very strange as I entered the taxi cab on my way to the agency, still thinking about Zayn. What was his goal? What did he want with me? He didn't even know me, so why did he tell me he wanted me? These questions forever boggled my mind, as I exited the taxi, paying the man and entered the agency, strode through the lobby, and opened the door to room 7B after getting out of the elevator. Lou was standing, talking to some black haired guy, while every one was bustling around, getting makeup done and whatnot. I proceeded towards Lou until the guy turned around and it was Zayn, holding that same baby I saw him with yesterday. "You take good care of my baby Lux" Lou scolded playfully, lightly punching his arm. He smiled at her, looking at me from the corner of his eye, and did his famous half smirk. "She'll be in your hands tonight" he said in his sexy middle eastern/british accent. He slowly turned and strode towards me, mysteriously reaching into his pocket. As we walked by me, he slid a small white slip of paper into my bag, and walked out of the door, closing it behind him. I slowly approached Lou, a smile creeping onto her face. "What was that all about?" she gushed, a huge ear to ear grin on her face. "I-It was nothing!" I said, stuffing the white slip further into my bag. "By the way, who is that?" I asked wonderously. "Zayn Malik, he dated my older daughter 2 years back, it didn't end too well on his end. He helps out alot with Lux, babysitting her while i'm working and all, and it seems as though he's taken a liking to you" Lou replied, sitting me down in the chair, starting on my makeup while her assistant curled my hair. I kept thinking about last night, with Zayn. The more I thought about it, the more confused I became. We took some lastest fashion shots, and then we have to take a fashion survey, and that was it for the day. As I proceeded through the lobby and out of the building, I pulled the piece of paper Zayn gave me out of my bag, and it was an address, as well as a phone number. It said, "Come visit/call or text me sometime, -Zayn .xx". I sighed, pulling out my Galaxy Note, and went to my contacts, pressing new contact. I had an internal battle with myself, wondering if I should do this or not. "Take me to 700 Sideland Avenue" I told the taxi driver. We pulled up to a two-story house, with a nice BMW in the driveway. As the cab pulled up, I tip-toed towards the door, and rang the doorbell, my hand shaking. I hear about 5 voices all at once, and an unfamiliar irish accent yelled out, "Harry, get the door please!". The curly haired guy from last night snatched opened the door, and he leaned against in on one arm, smiling a flirty smile. "Why hello there, who might you be?" "Melody, Melody Kennedy" I replied, looking over his shoulder to see one guy with a buzz cut, another with his hair swooped across his head, and the blonde/brunette haired one. Zayn appeared from the end of the hallway, and he flashed his smirk, striding towards the door. He nudged Harry out of the way, and grabbed my hand kissing it softly. "Come in" he said playfully, and gripped my hand, leading me inside. "Don't do anything your not supposed to Zayn" Harry joked. "Yeah Zayn, use protection!" the swooped haired guy, (Louis) said. Zayn smirked and lead me inside a dark room, with a sweet aroma. I began to sligtly panick inside, and touched my mace in my purse, just incase he wanted to try something. He closed the door behind him, and slowly walked towards me with a dark, seductive look on his face. He grabbed both of my arms, brushing his lips up against mine, trailing down to my neck. I couldn't even reach my pepper spray because I was constricted. He began to slowly nibble on my neck, and trailed his tongue up to my ear. I was shocked, unable to move or speak because of the lump in my throat. "I told you I wanted you..." he groaned in my ear, tracing his fingertips along my waist. He suddenly backed away, smirking a playful smirk. I gathered up the courage to finally speak. "W-what do you...want with me?..." I whisepred, lightly touching the places on my neck that he bit and licked. "I want, to know more about you. You puzzle me, your very, mysterious" he said, approaching me, taking my hand in his. I slowly took my hand back, backing away. "What's so fascinating? You just met me..." I mumbled looking away. "I feel it, I know your different, there's something about you, something unique..." he said, lightly touching my waist, lightly and softly tracing his lips across mine, over to my neck, and began sucking and biting on it. I felt like I needed to push him away, but at the same time, I didn't want him to stop. I started at his waist, and slid my right hand up to his neck, slightly gripping it, letting out a small gasp as he bit it harder, tensing up as his tongue moved in circles. He sucked on my neck for about another 5 minutes, and let me go, smirking sensually. "Text me tonight.." he groaned in my ear, and then opened the door for me. My neck felt alittle sore, as I walked out of the door (that rhymed!) "See you red" Harry said as I walked out of the front door, blowing a kiss at me. I was utterly shocked is disbelief as to what just happened. I texted Zayn saying, "I wanna know more about you, your mysterious as well...". "Good idea ;)" , he replied. On the way home, I sighed, as thoughts ran through my mind,wondering how this will all turn out.

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