X is back.

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"Ba da-da da-dum dum, da-dum dum, ba da-da da-dum dum, da-dum dum, ba da-da da-dum dum, da-dum dum, ba da-da da-dum dum" I finished singing at rehearsals. Everyone looked at me in horror. "Uhm, is there something wrong with your voice love?" Zayn said sitting up. He was sitting at the desk where the sound equipment was on his phone. "Y-yeah," I said, my voice cracking. "Shit babe I gotta use your phone, gotta make a call" Zayn said, picking up my phone which was next to his. He unlocked my phone-he knew the password because we trusted each other enough to give eachother our passwords-, and scrolled through my phone.

Zayns POV

I scrolled through her contact list looking for Lous number. Suddenly, a text message popped up from an unknown number.

"Snooping through peoples phone? Wow Zayn. -X >:)"

As soon as I read it I quickly turned around panicked, looking around. I looked up to the balcony, and I saw a black hooded figure rush out of view. My heart began to race, and I panicked even more when another message popped up saying,

"Hah, keep on your guard Zayn. I could be anywhere, at anytime. I could even be sneaking up behind you this very instant, ready to stab you in the back... -X .♡"

I swiftly turned around to see the producer giving me a weird look. "Do you mind?" he said pointing to the chair I was sitting in. I got up, grabbing mine and Melodys phone, and scurried off. She met me by the stage, and I showed her the messages.

"I'm sorry...I should've told you..." she said, taking my hand in hers. I looked at the producer, and I noticed something in his pocket. It looked like a pocket knife, which kinda freaked me out. "I think your producer is part of the X Team.." I said. She looked at me in confusion, and I showed her the threatening messages. "See, when X said something about sneaking up behind me, I turned around and he was THERE, and X talked about stabbing me, and theres a pocket knife in his pocket" I whispered. She nodded in agreement. "I'll keep an eye on him, make sure he doesn't try anything.." I said.

I sat and watched her perform for a little, and I looked from the corner of my eye and saw the producer whispering to a really buff security guard, looking at me. I tensed up a little and inched closer towards the stage where she was. "I 'm sorry sir, but i'm afraid your going to have to leave, we're closing up" "Ok, just let me get my girl, " I said grabbing both of our phones, stuffing them in my pockets and our jackets. "No sir, you have to leave now," he said. Another security guard grabbed me up and tossed me out, locking the doors behind me. I suddenly heard shrieks and screams coming from Melody, and I screamed. "MEL! MELODY NOOO!" I shrieked pounding on the doors. I broke out in tears and slid down the door. I suddenly bolted to a nearby car, and busted the windows. All the pedestrians looked in shock as I hot-wired the car, watching as a black van marked X, went in one direction, and another one went in the opposite direction.

I revved the engine, speeding off, chasing the first van I saw. I scrolled rapidly through Mels contacts until I found her sister, Ellysia. "H-Hello?!" I answered. "Who is this?" the girl replied.

"My name is Zayn Malik, i'm Melodys boyfriend, and shes just been kidnapped and I don't know where else to go just PLEASE help me your my only option!" I breathed sobbing, trying to avoid cars as I cut corners, chasing the van into an alley. The driver got out and hopped the gate, taking off. He ran out into the other street and got into the other van, taking off. Ellysia tolf me she had a GPS tracker on Melodys phone, and said she would be there in a jiff. I wiped my face, slowly approaching the van. There was a lot of muffled rumbling, and I slowly opened the doors to see a strange girl taped and tied up.

There was a note taped to her, andI slowly opened it. It read,

"Hah, Nice try Zayn, wrong van. ;) -E"

Who the hell was E? I untied the girl and she flung herself into my arms. "Zayn! You came to save me! Oh I haven't seen you in so long!, How did you know where I was?" She sobbed into my chest. I got a good look at her face, and my mouth dropped. My ex Carissa. "Oh.my.god." I whispered, backing away from her. This is Lous daughter, who cheated on me two years back. She kept trying to talk to me, trying to catch up, but there really isn't anything to say to her. Suddenly Ellysia came swerving around the corner and stumbled out of the car wildly. "WHERE IS SHE?!!! MEL! WHERES MY SISTER??!!" she cried, dropping to the ground.

"I got the wrong van...only to find my cheating ex..." I mumbled, choking up. Ellysia sobbed loudly as I comforted her, and a message popped up to both phones. I didn't bother to look, because it might've been gruesome. "Come on El, lets find a place more subtle we can talk" I said helping her back into the car. I got into the passenger seat, ready to go when Carissa yelled, "Hey! Your just gonna leave me here?!" "You'll be fine

.." I said without looking at her. She got into the car ANYWAY, and we pulled out, heading towards the highway. I pulled out my phone and hesistantly opened the message. I dropped the phone in utter shock of the picture I just saw.

"Surprising isn't it? ;) -X"

The caption read. It was a picture of Melody in the van tied up, with someone holding and knife to her throat, and the person holding the knife,

It was Eleanor.

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