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Chapter 1- No One Else.

Walking alone, shoes sloshing in the cold damp puddles in the craters of the ground. Watching my surroundings, I gripped the yellow envelope tightly, my eyes scanning the area. Vigorously shaking the water out of my auburn hair, I strode on, pacing myself towards my destination. Gazing up at the tall skyscraper in the middle of Times Square, I proceeded into the building, praying on my life that I don't screw up this interview. Yes, I arrived at a modeling agency. I strived towards being a model, and I was not going to pass up this imperitive opportunity. I tip-toed quietly up to the front desk, eyeing this receptionist hesistantly. She looked like the stubborn old-lady type, with tight pin curls, a gargantuan mole right under her left nostril, jet black eyes, and wrinkles surrounding her eyes and the corner's of her lips. I was never one for confidence, but now was the time to pursue this once in a lifetime chance. Here in this yellow envelope, lies my portfolio of professional-grade photo's i've taken over the previous years, along with my application. "Oh great, another audition..." the receptionist grumbled, impatiently holding her hand out. I slipped the envelope into her hand, wiping my moist palms against the bottom of my studded denim jean jacket. She snatched out my application and handed it back to me. "You silly girl, your supposed to give this to the photographer, floor 53, room 7B" she scolded. I snatched the application back, striding towards the elevator through the barren lobby. As I stepped into the elevator, pressing the number 53, thoughts prodded into my mind, causing a wave of doubts and imaginations to flood my brain. I didn't notice that the elevator had reached the designated floor. Snapping out of confusion and deep thought, my vision reinacted with my senses again and I saw a wonderful tan looking man staring at me wonderously. I then came to the conclusion that he was looking at me impatiently. His hair was styled into a perfect black mohawk, elegantly designed with a blonde streak on the left side. He had a five o'clock shadow, highlighting his perfectly chisled cheekbones. I looked into his dark hazel eyes studying his tan features. My eyes traveled back up to his dark hazel eyes, admiring every little detail. I quickly snapped out of my little fantasy and proceded right past him, moving out of the way of the little baby that was walking next to him. I turned round swiftly to get one last look at the perfect specimen I just encountered. Just right before the elevator door closed, he flashed a slight smirk at me, winked, and then I saw his face no more. I felt a small lump develop in my throat, and proceeded on to room 7B. When I arrived at the door, I heard a lot of chatter going on, and tried to shake out all of my fears. I slowly gripped thedoorknob, twisting it ever so slightly, when the door jerked open, and I stumbled forward, just catching my balance. I glanced up to see a woman who looked like she was in her middle 30's, had long, white and wavy hair, and elegantly applied makeup on her face. "We got another one guys!" she shouted throwing her head back. "Well don't just stand there like a stick in the mud, come on in!". She grabbed my hand and lead me inside, introducing me to all of the models. There was an astonishing one that caught my eye, and I couldn't help but gaze at her perpetual beauty. "You like what you see? Thats Eleanor Calder, our best model" the white haired lady said, patting me on the back. "I'm Lou Teasdale by the way, i'm the makeup artist for you wonderful ladies, and there's Fabio, your photographer, but be careful, he's super strict. I assume she noticed the application in my hand, and she slid it from my grasp and smiled gracefully. "I'll give this to Fabio, and my assistant will get you all dressed up, well, dressed down and apply your makeup. Victoria's Secret asked us to promote their new panty line, and if you pull this off, you might have a job waiting for you" she said gleefully, and sat me down in front of a huge mirror, calling her assistant over. She immediately got to work on my hair, and then did my makeup. She handed me an elegant black laced bra and panty set, lined with pink silk around the rims, and white see through lace on each side of the panties. She put dark eye shadow on my eyes, lining it perfectly with a pink eyeliner. It was finally time for me to get in front of the camera. I felt like I had the confidence I needed to pull off this imperitive task. I stepped onto the white screen and did various model poses. "Arms spread! Less emotion! Work it!" Fabio screamed out as he continued to snap pictures. I walked off of the white screen when I was done, but Fabio motioned me towards him. "Not too shabby for a first timer, I see potential in your future" he said in his Russian accent, patting me on the back and strode away to the computer, imputing my images. Eleanor walked up to me beaming, her expression flawless. "Awesome job! You did better than I did!" she shouted, high fiving me. We had a very intruiging conversation, and she invited me to tonights Opening Gallafor all the new models, and Fabio told me I got the job. I decided it was time to go dress shopping. I exited the building, taking a cab to the mall. I raced onto the escalator and rushed into Charlotte Russe, searching through the dresses until one caught my eye. ( It was a strappless silk navy blue dress with gold buttons, that fell just in the middle of the thigh area, and a black waist belt to go along with it. I snatched it up,throwing it onto the counter. The cashier gave me an odd look and rung up the price tag. Good thing it was only $34.99. I rushed to Forever 21 and bought a cute Gold plated necklace, along with some black ankle boots. The Galla started at 8:30, and it was already 8:00. I changed into the dress and shoes in the bathroom of the mall, stuffing my other clothes in my bag. I rushed out of the mall, catching a taxi while struggling to put on my necklace. As I arrived back at the agency, it was 8:20. I flashed my invitation to the security guar, and he let me through. I fast-walked into the ballroom, and all eyes were on me. I slowly proceeded in, gulping anxiously. There he was, I saw him. The beautiful tan guy I saw earlier. He had on a black, white, and red plaid shirt, topped with a grey blazer with a red hankerchief, and grey polyester fitted pants, with red and white blazers on his feet. He was twirling his glass, talking to a curly haired fellow in black skinnies, a white button up with a navy blue blazer and black chuck taylors. The tan guy noticed me, and a seductive smirk played on his face, those hazel eyes observing all of my features. His friend turned around and bore his emerald green eyes envelpoing into my green eyes. Lou came out of no where and pushed me slightly to where the other models were. "Hurry along girl, they are about to start introducing" she rushed and went up on stage with Fabio. "Welcome, welcome everyone! I hope you have a wonderful time at the Opening Galla as we introduce our new models, as well as current ones!" Fabio gushed, and introduced all the previous models, including Eleanor. She got the most applause out of all the other. Out of the new models, I was last to be called, and surprisingly, I got the same amount of applause. I scanned the room as I walked across the stage, and the tan guy was leaning against the desert table next to his curly hairsd friend, champagne in hand. He was staring straight at me intently, as if he was trying to peer into my soul. There was a dancing routine that started, where you would walts with someone for 3 minutes, and then change partners. I danced with some strange bald guy who kept trying to ask for my number. When it was time to rotate, a very strong hand grabbed mineand pulled me in, and it was HIM. He smirked as he wrapped one arm around my waist. "Zayn, Zayn Malik" he said in am middle eastern/british accent, as his hazel eyes bore into mine. I could suddenly feel his hot breath down my neck and right onto my ear. "Your so well as mysterious...I want you..." he breathed seductively into my ear. I froze, unable to comprehend this current event. Next thing I know it was time for the next rotation, and his curly haired friend began to dance with me. I frantically scanned the room, but he was gone, GONE.

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