Sharing A Floor with a Vampire, Werewolf and Demon/ Chpt.9

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When we got home, we were both exhausted from the long ride. We went up the elevator and both went our ways. I turned back to watch Dyllon fumbling with her key to her room and I went over to help. I opened the door for her and gave her back her key. 

"Dyllon," I paused, and assessed her sullen face. "If there is anything...I mean it, anything you need, please let me know, okay?" 

"Thank you," she softly whispered, and then went for my hand. "It means a lot to me."

I held her gaze for a few moments too long, and then I couldn't resist the feelings that were swarming me. Before she had the chance to turn away, or go into her room completely, I pulled her into me, and she embraced the hold and rested her head against my chest. Our eyes met again, and I hesitated but then I planted my lips on hers and gave her a gentle kiss. 

I couldn't deny the feelings that had been creeping over me. I kept my lips on her, and this time she seemed to participate back. Her hands were around my back and then I softly pulled away. I gave her one last smile, and then retreated to my room, not daring to look back.

I opened my room door to find Matt spread across my sofa.

"Where were you dude?" He questioned.

"Out." I replied.

"Seriously? I came here at like 12:00, and you were not here, and you just got back now?"

"I was out with Dyllon."

"Out with that bitch?"

"Hey! Why the hell are you calling her that? She didn't do anything to you, at all."

"I'm calling her that because she seems to be everywhere we are now. It's like you're momentarily obsessed with her." He paused. "What were you even doing with her?"

"I took her to funeral! Her friend died! Are you happy?" I was so angry with his insecurities. "How am I always with her, when I am literally always with you? Get a life."

"Whatever. You were all over her the other day, when you were having one of your moodswings, or pre-phases, whatever you want to call it. We all know when you have those, its reflective of your true intentions, and how you can really be. How are you going to control those actions when you transform?"

"Whatever. I won't have anymore phases anymore because once the full moon comes I will transform...I'll just be me."

"Yeah, they will be done. Then the full transformation will take place instead. You won't have little claws popping out as a warning, or phases. Instead you will turn into full werewolf; on full moons, or when you lash out. You won't be able to control yourself either!" Matt yelled. "You're going to be you, but amped up by 10."

"I don't care! Just get out!" I shouted, and Matt left.

Matt was right. I wouldn't have anymore pre-phases anymore. I've been having phases since I could remember; it was the "preparation" stage for becoming a werewolf. Small signals, and realities of what it would be like to become a werewolf. It affected your body, and your was reflective of what you were to become. I wouldn't have my claws popping out at moments, or my anger build up, I would just become a werewolf. I just lied and called them moodswings to Dyllon. How else did you explain random shit to a human?

I had always known I would become a werewolf... I was born into a family of werewolves. Having your parents be the King and Queen of werewolves wasn't something to hide, they embraced it. It was just all about waiting until it was time. They were the leaders of our pack, and therefore, I was exposed to everything as soon as I was able to understand it. 

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