☮Sneak Peek☮

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Bria POV (6.20.13)

I struggled for air, reaching for the nearest weapon. I grabbed a pan & hit, Corneal, my boyfriend in his head. He fell to the ground & I gasped for air. Once I caught my breath, I ran out the house. I jogged a few ways til I got pass the corner. I sighed, stopping & leaning against the bricks, tryna catch my breath.

?: "Come on Bria! You knew betta than to run right?" I groaned, knowing Corneal had sent his men on me.

I ran down the streets of Brooklyn, tryna stay alive another night. They followed me throughout the city. I bumped into a tall yellow fellow, knocking him down.

Me: "I'm really sorry.."

I wanted to help him up, because I'm just that type of person but Corneal's men started shooting.

Me: "uh! Duty calls.." I ran off again.

This wasn't my first time running from them & I highly doubted it'll be my last. I ran into the nearest alley & waited for them to ride pass. Knowing them, they would drive pass twice & then give up. I waited for the second drive by before leaving. I started my walk, zipping my jacket. I didn't have anywhere to go, I knew for sure if I would've went home.. That's my last breath.


Okay, so this is my new book titled Love And Affection. It's an August Alsina & Rihanna Fantic. I was very iffy about publishing this story because I had read something very similar to it. It's been sitting in my drafts for months now. However, I decided to go with it and see how it does.

Please don't compare my story with others because I, Michaiah N. Noble, did NOT steal any ideas from anyone. I have my very own creative mind and I will never take ideas from anyone.

Please tell me your thoughts on this little preview. It will let me know if I should continue on with this story.

-xoxo 💚

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