Chapter 9

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Ch 9


I’m really sorry that I have not posted in over a month! I AM REALLY SORRY!


So please keep reading my story and I will finish this story by the end of summer!!!!!!!







“Okay, okay break it up now. Jamie you okay?” I ask her pulling her away from the guy.

“Yeah, just a little headache.” She said holding her head. “Oh, Alex, this is my brother Noah.” Jamie introduced me to the guy and we shook hands. He quickly turned his focus back to Jamie.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” he asked and she nodded her head giving him a smile and a hug. Okay, is it just me or is there something going on between them? I will surely have to talk to Jamie about this later on when we get home

End of recap-


Jamie P.O.V.

On the way home from school Noah kept looking at me and smirking.

“What did you do?” I asked not really wanting an answer.

“Nothing... I just wanted to know what was going to in between you and ‘Alex’. You know I always thought of Alex as a girls name, haha.”

“There is nothing going on between me and Alex, and Alex is a boys name!”

“Ooooohhhhh! I see you are sticking up for him…so when are you two love birds tieing the knot?”

As Noah’s asked me this question, I remember the date I had promised Alex so I am going to play Noah for a bit.

“Alex and I are not getting married but wearegoingonadate.” Wow, I talk really fast haha.

“Please come again?”

“I’m going on a date with Alex.”

As I said this, the brakes came crashing down, making the car stop in the middle of the road.

“You are what!!”

“Alex and I are going on a date, but as friends. I have just broken up this Ian. So I want to wait to have another boyfriend. So you have nothing to worry about!”

“Ok..but I’m telling Dad and Linden about this!!!”

“Oh god!”


 Sorry that its really short but it is really late and I want to get some please I will post more, and I’ll make it longer, tomorrow!!!

Good night my friends!!!

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