Ch. 2, Jamie and Alex POV

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Ch. 2

Jamie P.O.V.

As we entered the school, I got bombard with my other friends saying that there was a new kid here that was hotter than Ian. Hotter than Ian??!!!!!! HA! Ian is the hottest thing walking on this earth! Who could be hotter than him?

            ‘Well, I don’t think that he could be hotter than Ian, but I guess we will found out.’ I said as I opened my locker and got out my science textbook and notebook.

            ‘I am really sorry Jamie, but he is soo much hotter.’ Cassidy said. You see Cassidy is the one in the group that gets the guys and she is almost a player.  (P.S. Cassidy is super nice in real life and is not a player J)

            ‘ Sure.’

            Well, I guess we will find out because he is in our next class and were here.’ She said as we walked into the science room to see the new boy. Damn! Cassidy was right he is hot but not that hot. Ok I’m lying he is super hot. Hotter than Ian, but we can’t let Ian find out.

Alex P.O.V.

            God! My life sucks. Why are my parents sending me to this hellhole of a school? I am really that much of a disappointment to them? UGHH!!! My life was great till my brother died and than my life went down the hole. You see, the death was well almost all my fault………..


Haha, sorry guys I left you with a cliffhanger. But please if you like my story become a fan or vote!!

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