Chapter 30

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"& how is my sniffles feeling today?"

Ava's P.O.V


hey, text me when you're out of class please!!!!


i'm in between classes now so i can call you soon. everyone okay babe?


i'm sickkkk :'(


oh no!!! i'll call you as soon as this lecture ends, okay? give me an hour.


okay :)


"Hi Cal." I answered my phone.

"Is my baby sick? Awh Aves."

"Yea." I sniffled. "I feel really sick. I didn't make it to my class today."

"What's wrong?"

"Well I went out on Monday & Tuesday so I was super tired since I barely slept & then I was up finishing my paper all Wednesday night & so I think my body was just really weak already. But then my flatmate had the flu last week & I guess maybe the germs are still around because I have a fever & my body hurts & I have no appetite."

"Awh, Aves. I can tell your nose is stuffed up. You sound funny."

"Stop. I know I do."

"Do you have medicine to take?"

"Yea. My flatmate gave me some & I have tea too but I just wish you could be here."

"Me too baby. I'm sorry I'm so far away."

"I just want you to play with my hair to put me to sleep. I can't even sleep, Cal."

"Ava. I'm so sorry lovely. What else can I do for you though to help?"

"Maybe we can Skype tonight?"

"Of course we can. I have to finish this report by Sunday so I'm going to the library now to finish the research but then I can skype you & we can stay on it all night. We can watch a movie together or something, okay?"

"You're the best."

"I just want my baby better. I'll call you when I'm home from the library, okay?"

"Okay Cal. I love you."

"Loves you too."

Once I hung up with Calum, I made myself some more tea because the hot liquid was helping my throat & then I put on Cinderella, since that's what my mom used to put on when I was little & sick at home, & then I eventually drifted to sleep.

I woke up who knows how much later & I saw that my computer was no longer on my lap nor playing Cinderella. It was on the nightstand next to me. I assumed my flatmate Clara had come to check on me.

When I sat up to reach for my water, I saw Calum sitting at my desk typing on his computer.


"Aves, you're up!" He jumped out of my desk chair before he came to sit on the edge of my bed. "How is my sickie?"

"I don't get it? Why are you here? How? What?"

"Well as soon as we hung up, I packed a bag & I went to the train station. Luckily, there was a train within twenty minutes so I came over here & then I texted Clara who said she was at the flat so I took a cab over here, since I've never been I was afraid I may get lost, & then she let me in. You've been out for quite awhile I think but I just got here like thirty minutes ago."

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