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Again, this is just the Epilogue from the second book. After this one is over, I will go back through and edit it, then work on Con Artist and 1989. The Difference Between Life and Death FINALLY got 1k reads, so here. I. #. 3!! The final chapter of this series! Enjoy!

I'm back!!!!!



Two Years Later

"Elaina! Get back here!" Niall demands, racing around the couch after his daughter. Her brown hair wildly bounces as she runs away from the man, giggling loudly. "Laina, please!" Niall resorts to begging. "I need to brush your hair. Uncle Lou and Uncle Harry are coming over! Get over her!"

He huffs, stopping and stamping his foot. His tail brushes down by his knees, his ears flattening in frustration. Just than, a girl and boy come running around the corner, the girl chasing the boy. "Mummy!" Kyle yells. Niall winces, crouching to scoop him up.

"Baby, you know not to yell. Hurts Mummys ears, right?" He says softly.

Kyle nods, whining. "'Ight. But Darcy tried to pull my hair!"

Niall chuckles, carding his hand through his sons long raven coloured hair. "Well, baby, if you got a haircut..."

"But I don't want a haircut! I like it long like Papas!" Kyle protests. Niall sways to hip as Elaina runs around him, laughing. Darcy joins the game, running after her. Niall inwardly sighs, but resumes his conversation with the little three year old.

"Let me tell you a secret," Niall whispers. Kyle grins widely, cupping his ear and leaning closer. Niall giggles and plays along, pressing his lips to the kittens ear. "I like it long too," he whispers playfully. Kyle covers his mouth to suppress his high pitched giggles. "Dont tell Papa," he warns, booping the little kids nose. Kyle nods frantically.

"Don't tell Papa what?" Zayn asks, finally appearing from the hallway.

"Nothing," Niall assures him, giving Kyle a playful look. Kyle giggles, squirming to be set down. Niall bends, setting the kitty down. Zayn gives him a look, but Niall smiles. "I'll tell you later."

His Dominant nods, bending to scoop up the two giggling girls as they pass by him. "What are you doing?" He demands, his eyes sparkling as he grins at his daughters. "Are you giving Mummy a hard time?"

"No!" They answer immediately. Darcy beams at her father, cuddling into his chest.

"Alright!" Niall says.

Niall smiles at his Dom of three years, husband of six months, as Elaina lays her head on his shoulder and falls asleep with a cute yawn, cocking his head to the side and remembering how hard it was to get her to sleep the night before. What, from all the catnip Zayn left out and she found. Zayn shrugs, smiling sheepishly.


"Z-zayn, I have to t-talk to you," Niall stutters out, returning from the bathroom.

"Are you okay? You were in there for a while," Zayn notes, locking his phone and setting it on the night stand. Niall nods, sitting next to him. "I have to talk to you too."

"Y-you can go first," Niall says, nodding his head. Zayn blinks before nodding.
He sets his hand on Niall's thigh, his wedding band shining. Niall smiles and places his own hand on the Doms. Zayn watches both the ring sparkle, Niall's engagement ring along with it. He takes the hand and brings it up, pressing his lips softly to the skin there. His eyes meet his Subs as he sets their hands back down on his thigh.

"I-I...I want you to know you can say no, or disagree completely, I don't care. But...but I think...I was just walking in the hall and I...I uh passed the uh...the room the children used when they were...smaller, and I was thinking that maybe...we If you want to, of course. - "

"I don't want to try," Niall says, cutting him off. Zayn's face falls, but he covers it up.

"O-oh, we do-"

"We don't have to," he says softly, his eyes meeting the Dominants. Zayn's eyes widen before he smiles wide.


Niall smiles, tears filling his eyes. "Really!" He wraps his arms around the Dom, crying happy tears into his shirt.


There's a knock on the door. Niall smiles and rushes over. He greets his former Dom and his heavily pregnant best friend. Louis' supposed to be on bed rest, but he wanted to see his Nieces and Nephews. Greetings are exchanged and pleasantries united.

In a few minutes, all the children - Kyle, Darcy, Elaina, Jax, and Jet, and Annalise - are sent to the CHILDRENS playroom, and the adults are all in the sitting room. Louis leans against Harry, letting the man clasp his hands in front of his stomach, smiling as he rolls his head back.

Niall swallows, his palms twitching. "Um...I have uh something to uh...say..."

Everyone gazes at the small Irish kitten, who shifts.

"Um...well," he glances at Zayn, who cocks his head to the side in adoration. "Well, I'm...I'm - "

A knock interrupts him. Everyone is silently watching him, waiting for him to finish his thought. Niall shakes his head. "I'll tell you later." He starts to get up, but Louis stops him.

"I want to," he says. "You can talk to Haz and Zayn."

"Lou, no - " Harry starts to say.

Louis scoffs. "Its not like I can't walk to the front door."

Harry glares at him. "But - "

"I can walk, sir," Louis says, rolling his eyes and standing to his feet. Harry pinches his bum, emitting a moan/gasp from the boy. He squeaks, his cheeks flaming and swats his tail, purposefully trailing it seductively underneath the elders chin, watching his Adams Apple bob with arousal. He makes sure to sway his hips as he walks to the door, feeling eyes on him. Harry watches the boy like a hawk as he slowly makes his way to the front door.

Niall shifts up onto his Dominants lap, wiggling until he's settled and leans back, gasping at the hard bump he feels by his thighs. Zayn nips at his earlobe, growling playfully.

Whoevers on the other side knocks again, making the youngest Sub roll his eyes. "I'm com-" he freezes when he opens the door, his blue eyes connecting with warm brown ones. "L-liam," he chokes out.

The man smirks. "Hello, Louis."

The Difference Between Storm and Silence {Larry}•{BDSM}•{Hybrid}•{MPreg}Where stories live. Discover now