Chapter 24

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I searched and searched but eventually I found it. The doctors office. Phil's doctor was called Dr Speakman. I found the door with his name written across it. I knocked and heard a voice say come in. He was shocked to see a little 14 year old girl stood in his doorway.
"Yes" he said very formally.
"My name is Sophie Howell- Lester" I said determined "my dad has just told me that you are planning to turn of my other dad's life support!"
"Miss Howell- Lester, please take a seat" he offered a chair and I took it "when people are in a coma they have normal brain activity they can still hear and they feel that they are fine. They think that they'll just wake up and walk away from it and some days they do"
"So why can't Phil do that?" I asked.
"Well, your adopted father's brain activity is decreasing. There's no way he'll be able to recover from this" his words were sharp in my chest. No way at all! "Within a month he will be brain dead"
"Brain dead?" I asked stunned, tears streaming down my face "he's dying"
"Unfortunately yes, I'm sorry to have to have told you this but you are old enough to understand why we have to do this" he said "there are other patients that need that room"
"I guess your right" I sobbed. He gave me a tissue and i walked back to Phil's room. Dan was now quietly sitting on his chair.
"Where did you go?" He asked.
"To get more information" I said wiping my tears and sitting next to him.
"Ah" he said. We sat in silence for a few more minutes "they're planning to turn them off tomorrow"
"Tomorrow?!" I said shocked. Surely he had a few more weeks left in him.
"Yes, they said that if he's not awake by then then they have to by law" he said.
"Come on Phil" I urged, I closed my eyes and held his cold hand. I willed him to wake up and open those big blue eyes and smile at us then everything will be okay.

We stayed with him all night as it was the only night we had with him. We sat on either side of him and held a hand each. We talked about memories we all had. Me and Dan avoided the fact this would be the last time we could all be like this. We knew he could hear us so we said things that we know would make him laugh and prayed that we'd see him shoulders move or stomach move. Nothing. We didn't sleep to that night. I remember when Phil's parents came to see him a few months ago. His father wouldn't even come inside the room. From what I heard Phil's dad hated him since he found out he was gay. Phil's mum didn't really care either. She was here for her image. We rang them and told them about them planning to turn off his machine. We asked if they'd come but of course they said no. She said it would be 'too painful' for them. Disgusting. I didn't cry that night. I think I was all out of tears to cry. We were just a happy family. For the last time.

Sorry guys for the sadness😭😭😭

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