[59]: Tattoo Reveal

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**Thank you @oojal0502  for my lovely banner**

I was a zombie for the rest of the day. Ayla stopped trying to talk to me after the tenth time of me ignoring her question whether I was okay. Of course I wasn't. There was a half-naked picture of me going around college, not that everyone knew it was me but still; everyone had seen a picture of my private tattoo...and some of my lady parts, even if it was blurred. I hate the fact that someone has done this to me.

Why would someone do this to me?

Who would do this to me?

And how the hell did they get the picture?

Whoever it was though had blurred the entire picture apart from my tattoo, so I couldn't even take a guess of where it was taken.

I was now paranoid of every word that came out of people's mouths. Every time someone said my name in class; my heart began to race and I constantly felt dizzy, thinking they were going to ask if it was me in the picture. It was stupid because you couldn't tell who it was...but I knew. I could hear a couple of girls talking about it on the other side of the room, wondering who it was in the picture and what evil bitch would post something like that around college.

I was wondering the exact same thing.

Somehow I actually managed to get some of the work on the dress for the introduction completed this afternoon. I was working on autopilot though, and thankfully hadn't messed up any of the stitching.

The bell rang signalling it was the end of the day. I just wanted to get the hell out of there but I needed to pack away all of my stuff to take home with me. By the time I was ready to go everyone but Ayla and Mrs Tudor had left the classroom.

"I'll see you for the fundraiser tomorrow Lydia, the hall already looks great with stalls set up. I'll be here at ten to help set everything else up." Mrs Tudor smiled

"Huh? Oh yes, great thank you. I'll be here around then as well; it'll give us two hours to make sure everything is ready before we let everyone in at noon." I smile back, before turning back to Ayla who was looking at me with concern all over her face.

"Lyd you need to calm down and stop panicking. I promise you, no one knows it's you in that photo. But acting like you have been all afternoon is just making it obvious something is wrong." Ayla whispers to me as we make our way out.

"I know Ay but I can't help it. What if whoever is doing this actually follows through on their promise to out who it is in the picture. My life will be over."

"They won't, for some reason they want to scare you. But if this person does out you, you know damn well we'll find out whom and ruin them." She says through gritted teeth.

"It'll be too late for me by then." I mumble reaching for the door.

"Stop worrying about these silly, irrelevant bitches. Tonight go hang out with your boy like you do every Friday night. As soon as you get to his put all this stuff of yours in his room and shut it away..."


"No buts. I know you're panicking about this project, still worrying about your granddad and well now everything else but you need to stop. You're going to make yourself ill if you don't stop."

"I'm fine."

"No you're not and that's understandable but you need to calm down a little." She says grabbing my arm carefully. "Now when we see Ash I'm going to tell him that you're not allowed anywhere near your pretty surprise dresses tonight okay."

"Okay fine."

"Good and tomorrow after the fundraiser me and the girls will come round yours and see if we can figure out how these people are finding stuff out about you okay."

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