Chapter 6: Letters and a Night in the Garden of Good and Evil

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                My chest rose up and down slowly as I breathed. My eyes opened slowly as I pressed the back of my hands to them, wiping the sleep away. I noticed a fabric rub against my cheek, causing me to look down at my wrist, seeing a bandage wrapped around the wound. After remember the events of earlier, I sat up and looked at my surroundings. I was still in Harry’s room. The clean, dull, room that had pained me in so many ways. Slowly adjusting to the nausea, I stood on my feet and made my way over to the table across from the bed. There, I saw a small note. Peering my eyes down to the paper I read.

                Dear Anna,

          Good afternoon, Love. I hope you’re feeling alright. I was quite taken by the way you slept, the way you looked so completely peaceful. I attempted to comfort you, as you grew into a phase of fright.  You must have been having a nightmare of sorts. I know, in fact they were probably about me. Leading me to a much needed apology, I’m sorry that I choose you. But in the result of events, not only were you the most ‘convenient’  of choices, I wanted to get to know you.  Sick, Maybe? Thoughtful, I suppose. I hope I don’t scare you too much. Though, I know I probably do. I want you to know, I cannot control my actions when I am hungry. Vile, Horrible, Yes I am aware. I’m a monster and I’m sorry. I lack the courage to express this in any manor other than writing. I’ve never been one for speaking. Wow, I sound like I’m writing a love letter don’t I? Maybe that’s to forward. But perhaps, This might be more comforting if we knew each other better? No. In fact we’re going to know each other better. There I go with the demanding side, but we are, before the guilt eats my soul. Meet me in the Gardens as soon as you wake up.

          Until Then,

                   Harold Edward Styles xx

                As I read the perfectly written cursive, a small smile tugged on my lips. Yes, I was beyond scared, the thought of being alone, near him, sent chills up my spine.  I wasn’t yet to the point of sympathy for Harry, but I still was compelled by his letter.  I composed myself and lingered to the bathroom, focusing on the quite horrid appearance of myself. My fingers searched through the bins of his washroom, knowing I was invading his space, but then again, He was invading mine. I took a comb and pulled the tangles out of my hair. I splashed some hot water on my face before grabbing my bag and covering up every blemish on my face. When somewhat satisfied, I walked out the door with my purse slung over my shoulder.

 After walking several minutes debating whether I should try to run away from Harry, I managed to get to the Garden. I found myself at an arch. Many lush ivy branches were covering it, along with several plants and flowers. I leaned against the cold surface. I looked down at the ground, inspecting my shoes. Finally noticing there was another pair of shoes across from me, I looked up to see Harry.  His face lit up into a small smile, showing off his perfectly carved dimples. I smiled back weakly, unsure how I should be feeling.

“Hello Beautiful,” He greeted me, his low raspy voice causing me to bite my lip. My cheeks turned as pink as a flower.

                “Hey Harry,” I said with a soft smile. The way the sunset glistened off his eyes, made them turn a million times brighter. The once muddy green was now a vibrant emerald.

                “How are you feeling?” He asked. An immediate shrug was placed upon my body. I’m confused. My wrist hurts like hell, and I feel dizzy.

                “I feel fine!” I lied through my teeth.

                “Anna, I got you something. It’s to protect you, And to show the other vampires you’re someone’s donor. There for means they can’t touch you. It’s an old rule we have. If someone has this necklace we cannot argue,” He said pulling out an old necklace from his pocket. He looked across the way to my eyes .

“Unless you are part of the court, which you can ask the strongest of our kind for a rule change, but he rarely does that. He’s always done it on the principle of Love. If you believe in that sort of thing,” He said taking a step towards me.               

 “Want me to help you put it on?” He asked sweetly.  I nodded, simply too nervous to say I wanted help. The closer he got, the more fear was brought into my mind.

“I do believe in love. Well I want to. I want to believe there is someone who will love someone like me,” I said as I took a step away from the wall. I turned around and moved my hair to one side. His fingers tickled against my neck.

“I couldn’t have said it better myself…” Harry says so gently, in almost a whisper. I could hear the pain and sorrow in his voice. ‘Who would Love someone like Me’     Who would like someone like Harry? A monster? A bloodsucker? Maybe I could, If I could ever stop being afraid of him.

We talked for almost thirty minutes after he placed the locket on my chest. He had mostly talked, me being still too frightened. Finally, after we had broken into a fit of silence I took the time to inspect the locket.  It was heart shaped and carved, little lines beautifully marked all over. I turned it over to see a simple H.E.S Marked in cursive on the back. It took me a few minutes before I realized it was Harry’s name. I looked up from the necklace to see him staring at me. It was almost as if he was taking in every inch of me.

                “Harry…” I paused and looked back at the locket.

                “Why is your name marked in the necklace?” I asked softly.

                He took a step forward and used his hand to gently tuck a piece of hair behind my ear. His face nearly inches from mine. He had a deathly serious look on his face.

                “Because you’re mine” He growled as the wind blew. I took a step back and he ran off into the distance. My skin being placed in a state of bumps, chills up and down my body.

                “Because you’re mine.”  Kept Running through my head. I was his? Since when?

                “What if I don’t want to be” I said kicking a pebble with my feet. I walked to the dorms, the few words repeating in my head over and over. I decided it wouldn’t be the best thing to skip dinner, seeing that I had skipped it yesterday. I walked in the dorms  and down the hall to the dining room. There I smiled at the presence of a fully recovered, Jenny.

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