Chapter 34 "Goodbyes"

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Authors note: We have reached the last chapter. Of this story, gomenasai. Do not hate meh! Anyways Jake has died, you are a sobbing mess. I'm sorry Jake! DX anyways last chapter so I'm gonna make it great. I do not own any of the kuroshitsuji characters, I wish I did!

Sebastian: My deepest apologies. I wish I could have been able to do something.

Ciel: (y/n) you have our deepest condolences. I'm sorry we couldn't do anything.

Sebastian: I'll call his death. February 25th 3:00a.m. *sighs*

You: JAKE!!!!!!

Ciel: Sebastian pull her away, she's hurting herself.

You: How DEEP is your love!? How DEEP is your love!? *you keep pushing down on his chest*

Sebastian: He's gone, I'm sorry... *pulls you away*

You: NO!! NO!! JAKE!! JAKE!!! PLEASE NO!!! *you sob on Sebastian's chest* He can't go... He can't!!!!

Ciel: I am truly sorry...

You: Jake... *sobbing* gomenasai....

Jake: *coughing blood* It's... Jake... From State Farm...

You: *your eyes widen and you turn around* J-Jake... JAKE!!! *you run towards him and drop to your knees* YOU'RE ALIVE!!!! *you hug him deeply*


Jake: Easy! Easy! *coughs more*

Sebastian and Ciel remain shocked, there were sure he was dead. He wasn't breathing or anything. You hug Jake close and cry on his shoulder. Jake pats your back as he hugs you back.

You: You're alive! You're alive, you're alive, you're alive!!!

Jake: Yeah no need to remind me Meg. *laughs weakly*

You: Urusai baka, don't waste your breath. Sebastian take Lobo, I'll take Jake.

You put Jake's arm around your shoulders and help him stand up. Jake smiles seeing you once again and tries to keep awake. Sebastian nods and picks up Lobo with his right arm while his left remained gone, and is slowly regenerating. Jake noticed Sebastian lost an arm and started to freak out.


Sebastian: Yes, I am well aware of that. *growls lowly*

Jake: Hey... (Y/n) en donde estamos. (Where are we?)

You: Él entiende Español pendejo! (He understands Spanish idiot!)

Sebastian: Es cierto, entiendo todo lo que dicen en Español. *smirks* (It's true, I understand everything you say in Spanish.)

Ciel: Hasta yo puedo hablar la idioma. (Even I can speak the language.)

Jake: Okay I get it!

You: I'll explain later. First let's get you to the manor and heal you.

Jake: Gah! *feels pain*

You: Alright let's move! *you walk with Jake slowly to the manor*

Ciel: Damn must it be so far?

Sebastian: I believe its faster if I take us back one by one.

You: Yeah... Take Jake first.

Jake: I'm not going anywhere without you. *coughs*

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