Chapter 9 "Your History"

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Authors note: things are starting to make sense, slowly anyways. Well here is chapter 9 so enjoy. I do not own any of the kuroshitsuji characters, I wish I did XD!!!!

Sebastian: *still removing the bandages and not looking away* yes Bocchan, Miss (y/n) this is my young master Earl Ciel Phantomhive the Queen's guard dog. Young master this is (y/n).

You: aahh... Very.... Nice... Ow tatatata to meet you. Easy on the ankle!

Ciel: *bows* The pleasure is mines, you seem to have gotten injured pretty badly.

Sebastian: She fractured her left ankle. *applies the medical lotion and massages your fractured ankle*

You: Tatatatata ow... OW!!! *you grip the bed sheets*

Sebastian: *wraps a new bandage on it* It should be fully healed in a few hours. *smiles* Although it would be best if you wait until tomorrow.

Ciel: May I ask how you injured yourself, how you got here, and the fist shaped bruises on your face?

You: *sigh* Sure. I don't know how I got here, all I remember is that I was walking home and then I just randomly appear here in a forest. So I got lost and I heard a twig break which made me run. Then like a dumb ass I fell hitting my head and hurt my ankle. *sigh* And these bruises on my face are from my brother and dad hitting me.

Ciel's and Sebastian's eyes go wide. They were shocked that your family would abuse you in such a way. However Sebastian felt anger rise in him, he wanted to hurt your brother and father for hurting you.

Ciel: If I may ask, what is your history?

You: *sigh* Fine, since I'm staying here.... my family has always hated me, even my own mother, they only kept me for tax benefits. My brother beats on me for no reason, just to show me who's boss. He would throw knives at me, strangle me, drown me, beat the living shit out of me. *you tremble slightly* He would also put me down, he would call me stupid, ugly, first class idiot, fat, no one, loser and so on. There have been times where he has sent me to the hospital because I nearly died those times. *your voice cracks and you hold back tears*

Ciel: (y/n) I'm sorry to hear that. He should be put to death!

You: I wish. Sadly he is 1 problem of my life, I have 5 more.

Ciel: Do continue.

Sebastian remains shocked and angered.

You: My mom backstabbed me, she would also beat me up but less violent then my brother and dad. Think of it as a punishment, but for everything I did. She also told me she doesn't love me, that she could care less. Which is why she abandoned me and left me with my dad and she has offended me so many times. She called me a worthless good for nothing daughter. *tears roll down your cheeks* B-but it's okay, I have no heart for her anymore.

Sebastian balls up his hands, oh how he wanted to hurt those who have hurt you.

You: Then there's my sister who scratches me and tries to kill me, but I don't care anymore since my mom took her away with her to wherever the fuck she moved. If only she could've taken the scars she left me. *you hold back your sobs*

Ciel: Scars?

You: *you nod and you pull your sleeve on your left arm up* see *scars from your sisters scratching and cuts from the knives your brother did to you show*

Sebastian's eyes go wide and he can feel the anger rushing through him. Normally for a demon he would find this amusing but for some reason he felt the need to hurt anyone who dares try harming you. It was true, without knowing it he was slowly falling for you.

Ciel: Hm.. Go on.

You: My dad constantly drinks and when he's drunk he... *you take off your hoodie sweater* he hits me

There were multiple bruises all over your arms and neck. They were huge, and you had more scars from the knives and scratches. Ciel's eyes go wide once again, there were just so many. Worst of all, from your family. Sebastian was trying his best to control his anger, his fists were getting tighter.

Ciel: (y/n) I... I am terribly sorry for what you have gone through.

You: It's fine... The last 2 of my problems are backstabbers. *you wipe your tears away* I had a boyfriend once... He was my first... And last..

Sebastian felt a weird feeling. Was it jealousy? Was he jealous that you had a boyfriend? He felt the need to strangle your ex without needing a reason.

You: I thought I loved him, he was with me throughout my family problems. *tears come down faster and more* B-but instead he left me for some other girl. He only went out with me because he felt sorry for me.... He never cared!!!! He lied and cheated on me! *you tighten your fists and you cry more* And... And he cheated on me with my ex best friend Jennifer!!! Not only was it painful, but after that I never trusted anyone again. After everything I gave up on God. For me there is no God. There is no love but hate. I have no love but hate. I can never love again.... never again... *you began to break down into sobs*

Sebastian saw you broke down into sobs and he hugs you to comfort you. You cried and sobbed into his chest as he hold you tightly and rubbed your back.

Sebastian: It's alright... Sh.. Sh.. Sh.. Sh.. It's alright now. They can't hurt you anymore.

He kisses the top of your head but you were to busy crying to notice. After those comforting words and warm hug you slowly stop crying and begin to fall asleep.

Ciel: I'm... so sorry to hear that. (Y/n) you can see stay at my manor as long as you like, of course you will need to help--- *he notices you fell asleep* (y/n)?

Sebastian: I believe she has fallen asleep my lord *chuckles* she has gone through quite a lot. We should let her rest.

Ciel: Very well, inform me when she awakens. I have a job for her. *smirks*

Sebastian: Bocchan, if I may ask what is this "job" you have for her.

Ciel: You will soon find out. Stay with her until she awakens, I will be in my study room.

Sebastian: Yes my lord.

He lays you down and removes his coat and shoes. He then lays next to you and hugs you as you sleep. Your head was resting against his chest. Sebastian couldn't help but watch as you slept. You looked like a kitten taking a nap which only made him awe at the sight of you. Ciel leaves the room and he goes to his study room. Sebastian leans closer and kisses your forehead.

Sebastian: *whispers* I will protect you, no matter what.
Authors note: Well here's chapter nine, I know a bit depressed I'm sorry but hey you got to sleep with Sebastian ^-^. What does Ciel have planned for you though. Hmm.... Tune in for the next episode of Dragon Ball Z! XD

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