Chapter 2: Pardon sir, but did you just say 'plane?'

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This chapter is dedicated to @pretence who made my current cover!

Chapter 2-Pardon sir, but did you just say 'plane?'

I let out an exasperated sigh as I sniffed the air. Sardines. "Daaad!" I whine.

"Whaaat?" He asks as he mimicks my tone of voice. I give him a playful glare and we both burst out laughing.

You see, my dad is basicaly my best friend outside of school. He makes me laugh, he plays around with me. I'm lucky to have a dad like him.

"So, how was the last day of school?" He asked casually.

I shrug, I wasn't exactly sure how to explain. "Well, wild and crazy would be an underestimate of how it was..." I say shrug.  

"I bet. Everyone loves summer. Bet they had special activities and summer camps planned!" He happily explained.


They were all excited to get out of their so they make out with each other without teachers telling them to snap out of it and parents giving them a curfew.

But my dad didn't know that.

And I deffentily did not plan to tell him that I went to school with sex-hungry sluts/man whores.

"I bet!" I lie.

He smiled and opens another can of sardines. The horrid smell made me want to puke.

"Agh!" I choke. "Later." I manage to say and run out of the room.


I set my backpack down in my room and sit at my desk. I open my laptop and search "Charlton Ville."

Charlton Ville is apparently in Massachusetts. Great. I also heard that kids there can be very self-centered and annoying.

Wow. Can't wait!

I place my phone on my night chest when I get a notification saying "New Message from 'Fiona'" I slide it to find a video. I tap the play button.

"Omg Kyla, how could you do this to me?!" Rachel screams in the video. They were all at a party. A drink had accedently spilled on her.

"Sorry!" Kyla shrieked.

"How could you ever do this! This is my favorite shirt!" Rachel glares at her. That was a lie, she tells everyone that her favorite shirt is the one with a half naked Channing Tatum.  

"Look, I said sorry! Don't take it so seriously." Kyla says calmly, trying to sound brave.

But Kyla was slapped right across the face. "Sorry isn't enough cheap shot! Get me a new shirt, or else!" Rachel screams as she turned to walk away.

"Or else what?" Kyla smirked.

Rachel roared with laughter. "Don't worry, I'll come up with something, but if you don't get me a new shirt EXACLY like this one, you'll be sorry."

"Sorry for what? This?" Kyla asked before popping Rachel in the nose.

The replay button appeared and I started laughing so hard. Kyla was one of my friends. She just proved Rachel wrong!

I exited out of the video to find that I was on YouTube. The video had already 2,000 hits! I went to the comments and saw these:

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