Chapter 7: Fake Boyfriend Project

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Special thanks to The_Awkward_Duck for making the wonderful cover off to the side :D

Chapter 7- Fake Boyfriend Project

After what happened at the jet race, I was starting to hate "Blaze" even more than I should.

He's an asshole.

He thinks he's gonna get me to fall under his spell, then fuck me, and dump me.

Well Roxy Gledwer ain't falling for that dumb ass playa move!

(I sound more gangsta when sayin it aloud but who da fuck cares anyway!)

Anyways, he's probably at some chicks house, banging her.

Just like my old school.

Only a little better because its only one person and not the whole school.

Aw shit I hope not the whole school.


The Next Day

I walk up to my locker to find a note sticking on it.

"Hey trying to make my girlfriend jealous. Mind pretending to be my girlfriend? -Blaze"

I sigh at the note and decide to write him back.

"Fine. But this is the only time. Don't fuck me up or even fuck me at all! Got it loser? ~Roxy"

I go and stick it on the locker that was four lockers down from mine. I've seen him go to his locker between classes.

I notice a Latino boy with a beanie on walk up to Chase's locker. He opens it. Why the hell is he opening Chase's locker? Fuck. It's not Chase's locker is it?

Nope. Because Chase came up right after him, three lockers down from the Latino. The boy peeled the sticky note off the locker, read it and handed it to Chase.

Thank god.

That would have been weird...

Chase smiles my way and started to walk over to me. "Shit shit shit, I meant only in front of him girlfriend...

He wraps his arms around me and begins to kiss up my neck.

"What the hell are you doing?" I whisper in his ear.

"Lillian is passing by, she's my ex, just go with it." He whispers back, sucking on my soft spot.

I moan, making others around me look my way.

I shut my locker and keep my eyes on this "Lillian" girl.

She stared at us and whacked Chase on the back with her purse.

He flinched, but didn't stop.

And then she left.

And so did everybody else.

But he didn't.

"Fuck, stop it, everyone's gone." I say, trying to pry him off of me.

"I love it when you say fuck baby. Say it again." He whispers.

"Fuck you!" I knee him in the stomach, making him release me and fall to the ground.

I quickly make my way to class as Chase lays on the ground moaning.


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