Chapter 14: I Think I'm Friends With My Arch-Enemy

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Special Thanks too @TheSkittles for the cover off to the side!

Chapter 14- I Think I'm Friends With My Arch-Enemy

I walked into the office the next morning to meet Gigi. Not that I wanted too. Only because Miss. Tanya, the office lady, told me too.

I shouldn't blame her. It was my fault for opening my big mouth and volunteering to show the new student around.

But why Gigi?

Why did she move to boring old Charlton Ville when she was probably living the life in New York City?

The moment the blonde bimbo walked inside the building, I couldn't help but glare into her soul.

She looked nervous, not cocky and confident, which is unusual for Gigi Hams.

She walked into the office, ignoring my presence. Miss. Tanya handed her her schedule and pointed at me.

Gigi glanced at me and smiled. Not in a smirk-y type of way.

In a nice way.

She walked over to me. "Hi! You must be Roxy?" She held out her hand.

I hesitated before shaking. "Yeah, you are-?" I pretend to not remember her name.

"Gigi!" She smiled happily.

This was awkward.

We walk down the hallway. "Let me see your classes." I try not to sound too angry or she might question me, and I want to avoid that as much as possible.

She hands me her schedule and I take a look. " have the same homeroom as me..." I say through gritted teeth.

She squeals happily, "Yayy! At least somebody I know!

I continue to look at her schedule. "You have math first thing in the morning? Wow, that sucks."

"Yeah, I was disappointed about that, but I can't change it so I'm just going to have to deal with it." She says with a huge grin on her face.

Is this really Gigi Hams? I think to myself. She's way to perky and sweet to be the evil she-devil I knew all my life...

"So, tell me a little about yourself?" She stops walking and I swear I saw a flash of recognition in her eyes, but if she does recognize me, she is great at hiding it.

I hesitate. If she really doesn't remember me, I shouldn't tell her where I used to live. Then she will remember me. I can't let her ruin my life again.

"Well...I am a new student here as well..." I say.

"Where did you move here from?" Of course she has to ask that question.

"Somewhere." I avoid answering correctly.

"C'mon, I don't bite! I'm no stranger!" I saw a smirk in the corner of her eye, but when I turned to face her, it was gone.

I smile, "Let me show you where your classrooms are."


We walk in late to my homeroom, which my teacher, Mr. Darwin already knew I would be, so I wasn't in trouble.

"Oh hello Roxy, hello you must be Gigi?" He shook Gigi's hand.

"Yes I am sir, you must be-" She glanced at her schedule. "Mr. Darwin?"

"Yes Ma'am. Tell the class a little about yourself."

She looks at me nervously, and then faces her classmates.

"Okay, Hi everyone, I am Gigi Hams, I moved here from NYC, and I..." She looks around the room for something else to say. When she spots me, a look of excitement crosses her face. "and I was wondering, Mr. Darwin, if I could share a locker with my new friend, Roxy?" She claps silently.

My jaw drops and my eyes went wide. How dare she? I cannot share a locker with Gigi Hams, whether or not she has changed. This can't be happening.

"Oh, sorry Gigi, but my locker has a lot of stuff in it right now, and I certainly don't have room-"

"Oh, its fine, I am great at organizing and I will help you get more room in your locker! We can be locker roomies!" She jumps up and down.

A couple boys in the back snicker.

"Gigi I-"

"C'mon!" She grabs my hand and begins to drag me out the door.

I mouth "HELP!" to Danielle before I disappear through the door.


I apolagize for not updating regularly, I have been inactive because my sister has cancer and I've been trying to spend as much time with her as possible, so anyways, thanks for reading, please vote if you like, and comment.

Thanks :/


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