Chapter 1: Moving?!

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Chapter 1-Moving?!

First. High School sucks. All the teenagers running down the halls, TP-ing the teachers offices. Sticking inapropriate notes on one anothers lockers. Its its craziest on the last day of school. You have no idea how many times I was greeted by a penis hanging out on peoples lockers. All the boys are silly-spraying everyone and writing "School Sucks Dick!"

Second. Summer sucks. I always am happy for the warm, school-free season. Until a trip down memory lane comes into place. Everywhere I go, a kid from school is there, making memory's I'd wish the forget. I don't even want to tell you how many times I've been invited to party's and walked in on sex party's or lesbian cat fights.

Once the clock right above my head turns 2:00, my vow is for this summer, to keep it low, keep it under control, do NOT go to ANY partys. In fact, I might not even leave the house. But I just want to get away from these dirty minded little freaks.

As the clock strikes 2:00, kids are already pushing their way out the door. Hoping for no traffic yet, I push my way trough the crowd of sluts and horny guys and relise that I just stepped into a hell hole. Hundreds of kids were in the halls an it was impossible to find anybody in the crowd.

As soon as I stepped in, I swear to god I didn't even know where I was! But the light attracted so many kids. Fresh air filled my lungs. I close my eyes and smile to myself. I. Was. Almost. There.

5 minutes later

I need to make a mental note that just because your out of the school building on the beginning of summer vacation, still means that your stuck with the lunatic kids. On my bus, there was Charlie. The gold digger, Rachel, Terry, Claire, and Amy, the porn stars. Dave, Richard, Danny, and John, the porn men. Polly, the "Pussy." She always ends up in the seat behind me. She is always back their trying to suduce Dave, leader/hottest of "The Porn Men."

But luckily, I'm the first stop. Meaning my summer begins faster then those whores.

I walk down the road near the woods and cut into the trees. I pull onto a handel and pull a bike from beneath a bush. I hop on and ride the rest of the way home.

As I ride onto the driveway, I see my garage door open an tons of boxes inside of it. "Dad?" I call.

"In here!" A hand pops up.

"Whats with all the boxes?" I ask as I take of my helmet.

"Well...we are moving..."

My helmet falls from my hands as my dad said that. I was both mad at him and excited at the same time.

Mad because I like my house, I grew up here! I don't want to move!

But I'm relieved because of the school and kids at my school.

"Erm, where?" I ask curiously.

"A town called "Charlton Ville."

Great, a town that I've never even heard of. This should be fun.

I sigh and roll my bike into the garage.

"Why can't we just move to Miami or something!?" I beg.

My father picks up a big box and sets it down in my arms. "Don't be ridiculous!"

"Oh come on! What kind of town is Charlton Ville anyway?"

"A cheap one!" He laughs.

"Why does it always have to be cheap! I know we arn't rich! But we have money, why don't we use it for moving to Miami?" I ask hopefully.

"Don't even bother, we are moving the Charlton Ville and thats that. Now go put that box in my truck please." He wipes his hands off and walks inside.

I let out a big sigh and set the box down in his truck. Charlton Ville better be worth my time because if its not, an unhappy Roxy isn't the best company.

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