To Late

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Empty house.

No sign of her, or them or anything.Was I surprised?

More then ever because she had left me with no reason,no warning,and I was left with her memories.

Tell me this didn't happen. Tell me Angelina didn't move back to Alaska.

Tell me it isn't so.

Tell me I didn't actually fall for her. That I was playing her from the get. That my heart wasn't broken.

The last thing she said was. "Cole I love you" and the last thing she texted was "I'll never leave your side. But it was a lie. She left, and didn't peep a word. And if she loved me like she said she did. Then she would have.

Perhaps I had it all wrong. Maybe she had her reason for leaving unannounced. Maybe something happened.

Candy knew something I didn't. Her attempts to be away from me were very obvious. I just didn't understand what she had to hide. She liked Angelina she had once said that we would end the Demon Angel Seperation Law.

But it seemed like she was on my parents side and I wouldn't let it slip. "How dare you" I shouted. Her face glanced up at me and she gave me her pitty "Cole, you don't even know what happened" she played.

"Bullshit" I roared" Pure bullshit Candy" . I was mad now "and it isn't sweet." She rolled her eyes.

"You did something." Her eyes frozed.

"I had to Cole. Did you want our family to be whipped out? Lucifer was coming okay, and it wasn't going to end well."

I shook my head. "Its all about Lucifer. Lucifer." I mimicked.

I kicked her drink and stormed out the room. Funny how blood worked. Funny how life was.

Believe me I didn't get over Rose. I spent my days writing her to her new address in Alaska. Alaska was my hometowm as well. And when I turned eighteen I'd find her.I promised that I tried messaging her before she blocked me. I went by her house to see if she decided to return.

Mona was staying with Regina now, she had no other choice. And part of me wish she was with Angel, at least I'd be more close to her in someway.

School was the same. And after a couple months I got over Rose, so I thought. I figured she'd never forgive me or my parents, and she'd never reply to my letters.

My stomach cringed and it became more lenient that I feed on more human souls.

In my heart I had a void. Almost like a rocket had crashed and burned it but left it cinged and decaying.

I barffed.

"Cole, that's the third time today". My mom wrapped her little arms around me and held me. "I don't understand why this is happening" I didn't ether.

My life had took a turn for the worse and everyday I woke up feeling disoriented. It was like I didn't belong. Like I was left.

Angelina ran in my head.

A mere existence now. A painful memorie bottled up. Forgotten. Maybe even ignored. But for what? The better I was told.

Rose's hands unwrapped from my heated body. She smiled "you'll get better soon Cole". She smiled while walking into the kitchen "I'll cook your favorite for you".

It was a nice gesture but I didn't really play on the nice card anymore.

Her, my father, and my sister knew I wasn't getting better any time soon. I was opposite of that,getting worser by the day.

I felt so helpless that even being around the pack wasn't enough to hide my to emotions.

My skin was rendering under my fake smile and saldy, no one noticed.

To say I was okay was a lie.

I was never going to forget Angelina Bright , the angel faced pixie and the way she loved me. The passing week had left me sick to my stomach and dizzy, so I figured it was a wolf thing, or maybe a cambion hunger.And those were both stupid assumptions.

I was even a bit thinner for a massive dog - that I didn't mind but the disturbing thing was it only because I was so obsessed with Angel. My anger towards the obsession made me bewildered. I didn't need someone who left me feeling like this. Someone who left me with no despair.

That's how low I had gotten into this hole with her.

Once friday had rolled around, my stomach was less sick and though my mouth on hers was still present in my mind, her blatant ignoring to my letters that I was reminded of was making it easy to hate her. She had blocked me from her. Up and ran on her problem.

Sorta like an unsolved puzzle waiting to be solved but never having the last piece to solve it. But instead of searching for it you leave it unsolved.

Ya know I told myself that I did hate her... it seemed like such a strong word to use but I had to.

I hated that I had to be that way. An asshole. But let's face it before Angelina this was how I was.

This was Cole Price.


"Cole! , Cole Price! Damn it, where are you child?" I peeked through the planks of the porch stairs at Aunt Mia's spiked hells. Her killer shoes disappeared from my view and I heard the porch door squeak then slam.

"Oh Sam I can't find that boy anywhere" she mumbled very quietly.

Any other time I would have been buckling to hug Mia but I just wasn't the same anymore.

"Relax there sweet pea, he's in there somewhere, I smeel em".

I sighed in frustration. I opened the front to to my aunt and her husband, they were both best friends with his mother.

"There you are boy, whatcha hiding from". She grabbed me and tightened me against her chest.

"You mom told me you've been sick." this was Sam taking.

I nodded at Sam. "It's nothing by now" I snorted.

We all talked before entering the dinning area.

My dads cold incubus eyes glowered at me . He knew I'd never forgive him and mom. And that Lucifer, the high almighty was scum under my shoes.

His voice roared "Well, well, well, look who got the cat our the closet" he joked.

Everyone decided to laught except for me.

I frowned.

"Sit Cole, eat". I licked my lips. The rotisserie chicken made my head drop and I felt like he hadn't aten in days. I scarfed down the chicken, not chewing at all.

"So where's Andy" my mother asked calling Candice down for her food.

"He's with Sam's mother while were here. He's really lathed on to her."

"And the whole vampire change" my father questioned.

"Actually" started Mia "its been easier then ever". She was smiling and staring at me "where's that angel of yours" she asked with hope.

I almost choked on the chicken.

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