Part 12: I Love You Too Dan

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(Phil POV)

It had been about a month since Dan died and things have actually been pretty good. The note Dan wrote the day he died, the one I found on his bed, was now hung up in my room on the wall. One thing a lot of people ask me is "have you found anyone else after Dan?" By that they meant if I'm dating anybody else. But in my opinion that would be cheating.

I know that seems weird but one day we're going to hopefully see each other some day. And plus we never broke up. So we are still together and I don't plan on ever finding someone else.

I was in the middle of getting dressed when Shadow started meowing. No, I'm not at Dan's house. I'm at my house. But I took Shadow. I couldn't just leave him there. Plus Shadow likes it here. At least it seems like he does. "What are you meowing about?" I ask him. He me owed again and then brushed his fur against my pant leg. "No! Shadow don't do that. I can't be hairy. I have to look nice."

I was tying my tie and dusting the hair off of me. I was getting ready for the worst day. Dan's funeral. I know Dan wouldn't want one but his parents insisted on having one. They found his body because I had to tell his parents.

"Phil are you almost ready?" My dad yelled up the stairs. "Yeah, I'll be down in a second." I called back. "Meow!" Shadow meowed loudly. "What the hell do you what?" I was getting pissed because this cat wouldn't stop meowing. He just looked up at me.


The funeral was over fairly quickly. I hated it though it reminded me so much of Dan. I cried a few times during it and I felt like an idiot because I didn't see not another person she's a single tear. Not even his parents. Now that's gotta hurt. But it probably because nobody really knew Dan. No one knew him him like I did.

I watched as his coffin was lowered into the ground. People slowly left as they buried it. Everyone was gone except for me. They put all the dirt on top of it. "Phil! Come on!" My mother yelled. I slowly walked to the car not wanting to leave. I felt happy here in the cemetery. I liked it.

I hopped in the back seat and looked out the window the whole time. My parents kept trying to get me to talk to them but I refused. I just sat in silence.

We soon arrived home and I was really tired. It's been a long day. I decided to go lay down. I headed upstairs and Shadow chased after me. I changed into some pyjamas and laid down. I pay the space on the bed next to me and Shadow jumped up on the bed. He laid down next to me and fell asleep. I too fell asleep.

Few hours later

I woke up and had no idea what time it was. I looked at my clock. 8:47pm. I had no idea what time I fell asleep. Shadow wasn't sleeping by me. He wasn't even in my room at the moment. I got up and stretched. I walked down stairs not even bothering to change.

I smelled something good and walked into the kitchen. "Hi sweetie. I didn't want to wake you up. Do want something to eat?" My mum asked me. "Sure." I said as I sat down at the table. She handed me my plate. I wasn't really hungry but I ate it anyways.

I watched TV for a while. It was now about 10 o'clock. I wasn't tired though and I went to my room. I didn't know what to do. I decided to sneak down stairs and grab peanut butter and a spoon.

•Peanut butter is my favourite food so I had to add it in this story.•

I sneaked back up stairs trying not to wake up my parents. I successfully made it up stairs and sat on my bed. I started eating some peanut butter when I thought of something. I could visit Dan. Yes, I know, it's not a good idea to go into a cemetery at night but I'm not scared.

I put the peanut butter away and got some pants and a hoodie on. I also grabbed a flashlight, my phone, and Shadow. I put Shadow in a bag and he just peeks out and stays in there. I take him for walks like this all the time. He hopped in and sat there. We tiptoed down stairs and out the door.

The cemetery was only about 3 minutes away. It was hard to see because it was dark. I kept thinking that someone would come and steal me but luckily no one did. "Are you excited to see Dan?" I asked Shadow. He just looked at me. He couldn't understand me so basically I was talking to myself.

"I know you don't understand me but I'm going to keep talking to you. I miss Dan. I really do. And he's lucky that I don't kill myself so I could be with him. But I'm not going to. He told me that I need to stay here and live his life for him." I continued to talked to Shadow. We finally made it to the cemetery and I walked on the path and looked for Dan's grave.

I walked all along the pathway looking for his tombstone with his name on it. We came across it. I sat down next to it. It has the dates of his birth and death. His name was engraved into it in a neat writing. There were flowers on the sides.

I sat down next to his grave. I set the flashlight down to light up the area. I let Shadow out of the bag. (The cats out of the bag.) But it's a good thing Shadow doesn't run away. I laid down next to the grave. Shadow laid next to me. I set an alarm on my phone incase I fell asleep. "Hi Dan." I spoke softly.

I don't really believe in ghosts or spirits but just incase he can hear me I want to talk to him. "I miss you. So does Shadow. But we're staying strong." I didn't know what else to say. "Oh and you know how you yelled 'I love you Phil'? Well I didn't have a chance to reply. And if you can hear me now then I want to tell you something." I paused. I laid my head down on my arm. The grass was cold. I looked at Shadow one last time then put my head down and closed my eyes. "I love you too Dan."

•That's it! I'm done! My story is complete! I feel so happy that I finally finished this. Thank you so much if you read all the way to the end. I love all of you. I will soon be writing another Phan soon. Please if you have any ideas comment them. Please vote/comment if you liked this story. Also I might add KickTheStickz in my next story. What do you think? Yes? No? Alright well thank you for reading. Stay strange. Never be normal.•

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