Part 9: Treasure Hunt

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(Phil POV)

School was boring without Dan there. He always made me laugh and school seemed to go by quicker. But without him there it was boring. Kelly and Zack kept me company though. The bell rang and I started heading home.

I pulled into the driveway and parked my car. I walked inside to be greeted by my mum. "Hi Phil. How was school?" "Good." I told her as I was headed upstairs to my room. I opened my door and was a little surprised to find an envelope and what looked like a crumpled paper. I looked closer at the paper and realised it was a map. I opened to envelope which had my name written on the front.


It's been a month since we started dating and I wanted to do something for you. It's not romantic or anything it's just something fun for us to do.

The paper on your bed is a map of London. I've circled 9 different places. Each place has an envelope hidden. Follow the map and do what the envelopes say. If you do it correctly you will find me.

Right now you are at your first circled spot. When you go to the next spot look for a flowerbed. You will find another envelope in the flowerbed. Have fun!'

I really liked the idea. Plus Dan was right. It would be fun and give us something to do. So I did as the envelope said. I set my bag on the ground and grabbed the map and envelope. I ran down stairs and went out the door. I started walking in a random direction as I unfolded the map and looked at my next destination.

•By the way I don't live in London. Therefore I have no idea what it looks like or what's even there. So bare with me because it probably won't be accurate.•

It was a small park. I immediately started looking for a flowerbed and saw tons of them. I looked in all of them and I couldn't find an envelope. Then with my luck, the last flowerbed I checked I found the envelope.

'I hope that you found this and not some stranger. The next spots a Starbucks down the street. Take a the table in the corner and stuck under the table is another envelope. Good luck!'

This was going to be my third spot. I walked towards the Starbucks that wasn't too far. I opened the door and looked around. It wasn't too busy. I looked for a table in the corner. There were 3 different corners with tables since the counter took the other corner.

I went to the open seats at the one corner and checked go the envelop. There wasn't one. I went to the next open corner and checked there wasn't one there either. Figures, the last table in the corner had people sitting at it. I walked over trying not to seem like a creep.

There were two girls sitting at the table. "Hi girls." I started off. I noticed they were whispering to each other. "Are you trying to flirt with us?" The one girl asked. "No no no! I-" "Well then go! By the way this is my girlfriend so don't try to come flirt with us." These girls just didn't understand.

"Ok let's relax for a minute. Right now my boyfriend set up a little treasure hunt thing for me to try to find him." They seemed more relaxed and were looking up at me listening. "He hid little envelopes everywhere and I need to look under the table for another envelope." One of the ladies nodded and reached under the table and felt around.

She pulled out the envelope and handed it to me. "Sorry we were mean to you earlier. We didn't know." "That's alright. Have a nice day." I told them as I left there table. I opened up the envelope and read it.

'Hi lion! Ok well hopefully you didn't have any trouble with the girls at the table. I told them about what we were doing and I told them to make it a little difficult to get this envelope. Anyways.

The next spot that's circled, there will be a bench. Reach underneath the bench and you will find the next note. Good luck!'

I looked at the map and saw that he circled the cinema. I headed that way and luckily it wasn't too far. I made it there in no time. There were two benches and I sat at one. I reached under and felt something. I then realised it wasn't the envelope. It was gum. Ew! Just Disgusting. I wiped my hand quickly on my pants.

I got down on my knees (that's what she said) and looked under the bench and noticed the envelope by the edge. I quickly grabbed and read it.


The I was headed back to the park were I first went. I had been out on the hunt for about an hour. My legs kinda hurt and I was tired. At least this was my last spot. The note said that he was in a tree. But there were lots of trees! So I started looking in all of them. I noticed the same flowerbed area from earlier and saw a few trees around there.

I looked up then and finally saw Dan. He was perched on a branch picking the bark off of the tree. "Hey I think Ive been looking for you." I called up to him. He looked down at me and smiled. "I've been sitting here for ages. What took you so long?" "Well maybe I would've been here sooner if you didn't make me go all over the place." He just looked at me and smiled as he jumped down. I hugged him and we headed to my house to hangout.

•Hi! I didn't know what to write about and I read a Phan and it had something similar to this chapter. So I used the idea. I hoped you liked this chapter! Plus this story may seem like it's getting boring but promise me you'll keep reading because soon it'll get interesting. Also, I need ideas for a new Phan so please help me out. Have a lovely day. Love you my little llamas. Stay strange. Never be normal.•

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