Part 8: It's Hard To Explain

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(Dan POV)

I was nervous. I mean how could I not be. I didn't know how Phil would react. But I was hoping for the best. I couldn't manage to get any words out though. "Phil, I-uh." I didn't know what to say and with Phil looking adorably confused I definitely wasn't able to say anything.

"What Dan? Spit it out already." He told me. I could tell he was a little annoyed. I just couldn't find the words to explain it. So I didn't speak. "Dan? You said you wanted to talk so let's talk. Why aren't you saying anything?" He really wanted to know what I was going to say. But it was no use. He was straight and my plan wouldn't be good. My back up plan was to just kiss him. Unexpectedly and unplanned but that would be mean to him. He was straight and there was nothing I could do about it.

"Phil I... I think that..." He was looking at me with his beautiful blue eyes and I had to tell him. "Ok. Phil, I like you. And not just like a friend." He was frozen for a moment. But then came back. He seemed a little shocked. Or maybe surprised. And for some reason it looked like he was almost happy. I looked down and my fingers.

I was just sitting there and he hasn't said anything. I looked up to see him staring at me. I felt uncomfortable. He looked at me and before I knew it he was kissing me. I was shocked. I didn't move and was wondering what was going on. He pulled away and looked at me. His cheeks were dark red and I was just sitting there stunned.

(Phil POV)

Once Dan told me that he liked me I couldn't help but smile. He looked down at his hands and I sat and stared at him. I didn't know to say. So I didn't say anything. He looked up at me with his brown eyes. He looked scared and I couldn't resist. I leaned in and kissed him. It was a short kiss.

I pulled away and Dan looked really confused and shocked. I didn't know what to say. Yeah, I know I told him I was straight but I just didn't want him to think of us becoming more than friends. But I guess that won't be happening. I know for sure that we will probably end up dating.

I noticed that I hadn't said anything and so I decided that he deserved an answer. But he beat me by breaking the silence first. "What the fuck?" Dan said quietly but confused. I just tilted my head a little. "Why did you do that? You said you were straight?" "Ok look. I know I said I was straight but I lied. I didn't want to be friends just because we had a chance of dating. I said I was straight so I could see if you actually liked me even if I was straight." He looked like he understood a little better.

"It's hard to explain." I told him. He smiled at me. "So, uh, do you like me?" He questioned me. It was a stupid question because I had a very obvious answer. "No I hate you." I said sarcastically. "Of course I like you!" He smiled even bigger. I couldn't help but kiss him again. But this time he kissed back and it wasn't like kissing a statue.

(Dan POV)

It had been a month since Phil and I first kissed. November 29th. I wanted to do something special for him. So I planned out a treasure hunt. I rummaged through drawers and cabinets looking for a map of London. I finally found one and unfolded it.

Phil was at school. I stayed home and said I was sick. I didn't care about school and my parents didn't give a shit about me. Oh, and did I mention that my parents aren't even related to me? Well, yes they're not. They are my foster parents.

When I was younger I always got into trouble. That's what lots of boys do. My real parents didn't like it. Then when I came out to them they absolutely hated it. Soon I felt like no one. Nobody talked to me and I didn't talk to anyone. I was always in my room either sleeping, crying or cutting. I could've disappeared and no one would have noticed. I almost killed myself but then my mother walked in on me just as I was about to take a whole bunch of  different pills.

My mother and father said that they were going to send me away. They didn't know what to do with me. They always asked me why I was always sad and why I didn't smile. Honestly, I hated my life but I didn't want to tell my parents. So instead they stuck to their word and sent me away with people I didn't even know. But the people I got sent with didn't even care about me. They are just like my real parents. But anyways. Back to the map.

I spread the map out and circled certain spots. I then went and filled them in with numbers. I had 9 different spots circled all over town. I would have 10 but I hate even numbers. I then found 9 different small envelopes. Hopefully no one else finds my notes. I wrote little hints about where to find me.

I went and hid my little notes at the places I circled. I then went to his house and told his parents about my plan. His parents are really nice. I then put the first envelope on his bed along with the map.

I quickly ran to the 9th spot and hid in my spot. People kept walking by and looking at me but I really didn't care what people thought about me.

•Hi! I'm going to be skipping time a lot in these last few chapters because I want to get to the end. It's not because I don't like writing this. It's because I always have to keep writing it because I don't want to forget about it. Plus I'm thinking of ideas for a new phanfic. Any ideas? Alright well I have to go. I love all my little llamas. Stay strange. Never be normal.•

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