Part 6: I Feel Special

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(Dan POV)

It was Monday and I was bored out of my mind. I had cleaned up the cuts and bruises from today at school. I was sore and exhausted. All I wanted to do was lay down on my bed. I started to drift off to sleep but was awakened by a soft knocking on my door. It's probably just my mum coming to check on me. "Come in." I said.

The door opened slowly and Phil was standing in the doorway. I sat up and stretched. Phil closed the door behind him. "Sorry, did I wake you?" He asked quietly. "No I was just laying down. What are you doing here? I thought you were my parents coming in to check on me." He smiled. "Well I surely am not your parents." He laughed "I came over because that science project is due in a few days." He informed me.
"So how has school been? Are those guys leaving you alone yet?" Phil asked me. We had stopped working on the project about 20 minutes ago because we couldn't focus. Plus it turns out that Phil didn't come here to work on the project he came here to just hang out. "No schools been the same and I don't think Justin and Kyle will ever leave me be."

Phil and I have been just chatting for a while. We changed the subject and started talking about random things. "Ok then Dan, I'll show you my best dance moves since you won't dance." Phil told me. It felt good to have a friend. Someone to talk to, someone to laugh with. Plus today Phil was just in a good mood.

He got up off the bed and stood in the middle of the floor. He put on an upbeat song, which I had never heard before, and stood facing me. "Ok this ones especially for you Dan." He told me. I couldn't help but smile. "I feel special." I told him. "You are." As soon as he said that I felt so happy so excited so... Full of emotions. It was too much at once.

Phil's odd but hilarious dance was over. He kept messing up because he kept laughing. When he was done we continued to talk. "So where's your kitty cat?" Phil asked me. "I forgot his name but I haven't seen him." I knew where Shadow was. I bought him a tall scratching post when I first got him and he likes to sleep on the top shelf part.

"His name is Shadow, and he's on top of the scratching post." I gestured towards the corner of my room where it was. Phil got up and walked over to it and peeked on the top shelf. He spoke softly to the cat as he pet him. Phil came back over to the bed and sat on the edge. We didn't speak and just looked at each other. I felt really awkward and just looked away.

It has been probably about 3 minutes and he had finally looked away. I could tell he was thinking because he would just sit there and continue to look at one thing or one spot for a while. I was wondering what he was thinking about.

He looked so cute sitting there staring off into space. No Dan stop thinking like that! He's straight. You don't have a chance. But I couldn't help it. Plus ever since the day that he first approached me I thought he was cute. But I don't really care about looks. Now that I have actually met him and we know stuff about each other I realise that I think I might like him.

"Dan? Hello?" Phil spoke softly whilst waving his hand in front of my face. I came back to reality. "Yeah?" I asked him. Phil didn't really look like himself. He looked sick or paler than usual. "Are you ok Phil?" "Yeah, I'm fine I just don't feel so well. I think I might head home." He told me as he started to get up.

"Alright well I hope you feel better." I said friendly. "Thanks." he said as he left me alone in my room. I couldn't help to start thinking of him as soon as he left.

(Phil POV)

Dan and I were messing around for a while. We had been laughing the whole time and I couldn't help but notice Dan smiling and laughing. I haven't seen Dan laugh before. We then just kind of sat there. I was thinking for a little moment and then snapped out of it. I looked over at Dan and could tell he was thinking. I let him think for a minute.

We sat there for a few minutes and I looked back over at Dan. He was still sitting there. I was going to leave but then I realised something. Dan wasn't wasn't wearing a hoodie. I was surprised and he just had a tee shirt on. I tried not to but couldn't help but look at his arms. They were turned so I couldn't see most of his wrist but I could see enough.

I felt sick just by looking at them. His whole bottom half of his arm was covered in slices. They were all different though. They were different sizes and depths. A few were deeper than others and some were shorter. Lots were fresh and some were older. I couldn't take it anymore. It was a terrible sight. Some people might think that it wasn't to bad but I didn't like to see that. It made me feel, well, sick. I had to go. So I waved my hand in front of his face and told him I was leaving. He looked disappointed but I had to go. I told him I didn't feel well and I left.

I exited his house and got into my car. I felt bad for him. I really did. I've seen people bully him all the time and I never said anything. I would just watch in horror. But I would never hit him or touch him. I wouldn't even talk to him but something that day made me notice him. I couldn't stop thinking about his arms. The image burned into my head. I didn't like it.

I arrived home before I knew it. I got out of my car and walked to the door. I steeped in and was surrounded by the smell of dinner cooking. "Dinner smells great mum." I told her as I walked into the kitchen. "Thanks Phil. Where have you been?" She asked me. "Oh, I was visiting a friend from school. The one I'm doing the project with." "Oh, Daniel? I would love to meet him." She said smiling. "Ok." was all I told her.

I don't think Dan would want to meet my family because they would just smother him with questions and they will want to know everything about him. I just don't think he would like it.

I headed upstairs to my room. I closed the door behind me as I walked in. I plopped down on my bed and pulled out my phone I realised I had a missed call. I didn't recognise the number. I then saw I had a text from the same number.

*Hi Phil, it's Dan. I tried calling but you didn't answer. I just wanted to say that I kinda need to tell you something. Call me when you get this.*

I added Dan's phone number to my contacts and then called him. It rang. And rang. And rang. No answer. I gave up and set my phone down on the table next to the bed. I decided I'll talk to Dan at school tomorrow.

•Alright well I'm not sure how many parts this story will be. Some stories have about 50 some have 4. But I know there won't be more than 20. I'm so glad people are actually reading this. Even though there's not a whole bunch of reads I'm still glad there are at least some. Hope you like this part and thanks for reading. (: ~Meowgravy•

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