Part 5: Peeping Through The Window

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(Phil POV)

I was shocked. I knew Dan probably had a bad life but I never knew it was that bad. I hate seeing people cut themselves. It's terrible. It's an awful addiction. I know that the people that do it think it's a relief. It makes them feel better. But to others it makes them feel worse to know that someone caused them to do that to themselves.

I don't know why he does it to himself but I know that Justin and Kyle are part of it. I know that they cause him pain and it's hard on him. I can see it just by looking at him. He looks sad. Something is bothering him and I'm going to help him. One way or another. I saw him run out of the school and decided I should stay at school because if my parents find out I skipped the last half of the day I'll be in some shit.

The end of the day was finally here and I decided to go check on Dan. I remembered the address of his house and drove over. I didn't see any cars in the driveway but I thought his parents were at work. It turns out they weren't and I realised they were arguing. I was standing on the porch and I could see through a window by the door into the kitchen. They both looked very angry. Then I noticed that Dan was standing in front of them. He was looking down at the ground. He looked up at his parents and he caught me peeping through the window. His parents noticed and stopped yelling they turned around but I moved just in time.

I stood there on the porch until I didn't hear anymore voices. I knocked on the door and Dan's mother opened the door. She was smiling but I could tell it was definitely a fake one. "Oh hello. Aren't you one of Dan's friends?" She asked. "Yeah. Is Dan here?" I pretended I didn't know. "Yup, he's in his room." She gestured to the stairs and I stepped in.

The house was very quiet. I kicked off my shoes and slowly climbed the stair case. I approached Dan's door. I was about to knock but I heard a sound. It at first sounded like soft music or something but I then realised it was muffled sobs. I quietly knocked on his door. "What?" I heard him yell. "Um Dan? It's Phil. Can I come in?" I then heard a whole bunch of rustling and then a small 'come in'.

I slowly opened the door and closed it quietly behind me. The last time I was here I didn't really get a chance to look around. Dan was doing something in his closet and had the door closed. I wasn't sure if he knew I was in here or not but I took this chance to look around.

His room was quite large but barley had anything in here. I just decided to sit on the edge of the bed and wait till he came out. "Hi Phil." He spoke softly. "Hey Dan." Dan sat down next to me on the bed. "Phil, what were you doing standing on my porch looking in the window? Were you spying on me?" He asked. "Um, well I wouldn't call it spying. But I decided to stop by after school and I didn't want to be rude and knock in the middle of the argument. I didn't want to just interru-" he cut me off by speaking loudly.

"Interrupt?!? Interrupt what? Me getting bitched at because for one day they finally paid attention to me and realised that I was full of bruises and was beat up? Because they were wondering what happened and I wouldn't tell them?" He was practically yelling and tears just rolled down his face. He was kind of an emotional person. I rubbed his back to try to calm him down.

After about 5 minutes he finally calmed down and was partly leaning against me. I felt proud that I make him feel a little more comfortable.

(Dan POV)

I was grateful that Phil stopped by but it did tick me off how he just watched me get screamed at for no reason. But that's what they do. They have no one else to take there anger out on so they use any little reason to scream at me. Or even worse, abuse me like they sometimes do. I'm just glad that Phil showed up today and not on a day where they abuse me.

"I'm glad you came over Phil. And I'm sorry I was yelling at you earlier." I apologised. "It's ok. That's what friends are for." He smiled at me. I never said that we were friends but I'm ok with it. Plus he hasn't given me a reason not to trust him. Plus I couldn't help but feel safe with him because I know he would never hurt me on purpose.

"So are we friends now?" He asked making puppy dog eyes. Now how could I say no to that face. So I gave in. "Yeah whatever." He smiled and we just sat there awkwardly. "So..." I started unsure how to finish my sentence. "What do you want to do?" He asked me. There wasn't much to do. "Um, How about we go for a walk?" I suggested. "Sure." He said and he went down stairs and went for a walk.

We didn't go very far and then we had to go back. Phil remembered that he forgot to tell his parents that he was with me and they were probably freaking out. Plus he left his phone in his locker at school so he couldn't call them.

I went back inside and up to my room after he left. I know that I keep wondering why Phil even bothers trying to be friends with me but now I know why. Because I'm always by myself and yeah ill admit it, it isn't fun being by yourself. He just wanted to be friends so that way I had someone I could talk to and hang out with. And I know we won't be going anywhere past just friends because he's straight. Damn! Why do all the cute and nice guys always end up being straight?

•Hello! Alright so I'm not sure what I was thinking when I was writing the part where his parents were yelling at him for missing the end of the day. I just couldn't think of anything to put. Plus I was also distracted. But I would like to say thank you to anyone who is reading this. I know this is probably a shitty story so far but I just want to say thanks for reading it. By the way do drugs, don't stay in school. Just kidding!• ~Meowgravy

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