Part 11: It's Now Or Never

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(Dan POV)

I woke up and realised it was January 1st. I was kind of excited but also scared. I mean this is what I've been dreaming of doing but the thought of actually doing it was absolutely terrifying. Knowing that you would never be able to go back. There's no rewind button. There's no turning back.

I got up and took a shower, even though it didn't matter. I stood as the the warm water hit my back. I finished up my shower and got dressed. I didn't know what to do next. I hadn't really planned this out. I didn't know what to do now. How would I kill myself? That was the main question.

I could hang myself. Too cliche. Shoot myself? No gun. Poison? Nah. Bleed to death? Um... To long and painful. Plus I could survive. I need something quick and easy that there would be no chance of me surviving. Jumping off a really tall building? ...Yes. That would be perfect. All I had to do was jump and I'd be dead.

I was going to get in my car to head to look at buildings when I forgot to write a note for Phil. I finished the note a few minutes later and set it neatly on my bed. I took off and was driving around to look around for the tallest building I could find. I then spotted a really tall business building.

I wasn't sure what to do with my car. But I figured that since I would be dead that I could burn it. I wouldn't be able to get in trouble if I did. So I pulled out a lighter that I had in my coat pocket for some odd reason. I threw inside the car and it started burning the seats so I ran and headed into the building.

I was greeted by a lady at the desk. "Hi how may I help you?" She asked sweetly. "Yeah, uh, hi. I-Is there anyway I could get to th-the rooftop?" I was nervous and could barley get any words out. "Yes sir." She told me directions on how to get up there.

I was standing on the rooftop looking down. It was so high up. But I didn't want to scare people. So I saw a little alleyway and choose there. It was a sunny bright day. I felt so happy but so scared. I was scared that I was making a bad decision and that I shouldn't do this. But I turned my brain off and got ready to jump.

"It's now or never." I told myself. I was about to step off when I heard yelling and got ripped off the edge. I turned around and saw Phil crying. I hugged him tightly. "I'm sorry." Was all I could say. He just looked up at me. He pulled me with him and started heading towers the door that lead down to the building.

I quickly pushed him and he tripped. I took the chance to run and I jumped off the edge. I heard yells but I yelled louder as soon as I jumped I yelled "I love you Phil!" Then everything went black.

(Phil POV)

I looked out the window in my bedroom as I woke up. I remember that it was January first. The beginning of a new year. Wait! The beginning of a new year!
The end of an old life!

I immediately remembered about Dan. I got dressed and ran out the door as fast as I could. But I ran so fast I almost forgot my shoes. I quickly jumped in my car and sped off to Dan's house. I really didn't care about getting pulled over at the moment.

I pulled into the familiar driveway and surprisingly there were no cars. I knew his parents were at work. I half expected it to be locked but to my surprise it was unlocked. I quickly ran inside and up the stairs. I opened the door to Dan's bedroom slowly because I was expecting to see Dan dead on the floor or something but I was wrong. No one was in there. Except for Shadow who was sitting on Dan's bed sniffing an envelope.

It looked just like the envelope from when me and Dan did the treasure hunt thing about a month ago. I pet Shadow softly on the head and he came over to me. He started purring and I picked up the envelope. It has my name written across the front in Dan's messy handwriting. I opened it up to find a letter to me. I read it.

'Phil, January 1
I'm very sorry. I tried to tell you but I just couldn't. But I suppose I'll tell you now. Right now, well to you right now, I'm probably dead. But don't worry. I'm happier now.

Now most people would probably kill themselves too. But promise me you won't. I need you here on Earth. I need you to live my life for me. And anything you do, do it for me. Because I want you to be happy and stay. Now I'm going to tell you where I am so my dead body won't lay there and rot forever.

I'm looking for the tallest building in the city because I'm jumping off. Look around the base of it and hopefully you'll find me. I love Phil and always will.

I cried but then hurried up and got in my car. I had a feeling that I would be able to get to him in time. I started driving around looking for the tallest building I could find. I them came across a really tall building and parked my car. I saw an empty car park and there were police. They were by a car that was on fire. It looked like Dan's car. Then I saw that it was Dan's car and took off running towards the building.

I walked in and saw a nice lady at the counter. "Hi, can I help you?" She asked sweetly. I smiled. "Yeah, is there anyway I can get to the roof?" "Sure." She said as she walked towards stairs. I followed behind. "Up here to the top." She said and left. I ran.

I got to the down that lead to the roof. I opened the door quietly. I saw Dan by the edge. "It's now or never." He told himself and was about to step off when I ripped him off the edge. I started crying and I hugged him. He hugged me back and told me he was sorry. I started to pull him with me to the doors so we could get off this roof.

We were just about to them when he shoved me and I fell. I was confused as to why but he took off running. I yelled and yelled but he ignored me. I chased after him. But he jumped off the edge and I heard him yell loudly as he jumped "I love you Phil!" Was what I heard. I wanted to look over the edge but I was scared I would fall. I needed to stay alive for Dan. I needed to live his life for him. "I love you too Dan." I whispered.

•I hope no one cried. But if you did I won't judge. It seems sadder when you read them. But when you write something like this it doesn't seem sad. Also thank you so much for reading this. It makes me feel happy when I see that each day there's more views. Thank you so so much. Plus I think the next part will be the last one for this story. But don't worry. I'm going to write a new one soon. But I think I might add Kickthestickz in my next story. I don't know. What do you think? Love you guys. Stay strange. Never be normal.•

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